Chapter 36

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Anna's pov :

I feel someone shake the hell out of my body . I wake up looking at Iris, who's smiling like a crazy woman . I frown at this since I was sitting on Louis's lap before .
"Huh? Where's Louis and Valerie?" I say with pure confusion in my voice .
"They had an important call . And since I was feeling like myself, they decided that I should babysit you ." Iris said with a smirk playing on her lips . The hell she means babysit ?! I thought she was a little ? And I'm not a baby.
"I don't need a babysitter . " I say with a bit zest .
"Well, that's not what I think or what Val or Louis thinks ." She says with her smirk still on her lips .
"Well, I am not in a headspace . So I don't need one. " I say as I scoff .
She just rolls her eyes and picks me up like I'm just a Flippin feather . What the heck .
"Oh, don't be so shocked . I was Valerie's Dom before .  " She says as she sets me on her hip and walks towards her office .
"What are you doing ? Put me down ." I say, as I try to squirm out of her arms .
"Don't do that. You can fall. I just need to send an email, and I need you within my sight ." Iris says as she opens the wooden door . She sets me down on one of the cushions . I just stare at her since there's nothing else I could do . Well she's in charge of me now .
"Hey , how would you feel if I was your Dom?" She asked, making me look at her in confusion. I thought she wanted to experiment with being a sub .
"I don't know, I guess . " I say with uncertainty . She hums in return, making me give her suspicious look . Why would she just ask such a random question .
"Why don't you go watch a movie, mhmm?" Iris says as her glasses reflect the screen.  I wake up from my sitting position and walk towards the tv room  .

A/N : Sorry I didn't update sooner 🥲

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