Chapter 1

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Nagito's P.O.V.

Damn. Hope's Peak Academy... Was I really here? I thought to myself. I honestly still couldn't believe I had gotten accepted. I mean, yeah, my luck is decent, but other than that, I'm just an average teenage guy . . .

I thought about what to do as I stood above the towering building. Should I stay here and stare, or should I take my first step?

I decided to go with the ladder. I, for some reason, moved my right foot forward very slowly, despite my excitement. Perhaps it was my body's way of telling me to savor the moment.


I suddenly started to feel a pang of dizziness spread through my whole body as I started to fall forward. What the- Was all I could think before I completely blacked out.

                                                                                 * * *

I honestly might've thought I died if it wasn't for me finally waking up. I was still pretty woozy and unsteady, but I managed to- Huh? I was . . . already standing? I looked around, taking in my surroundings. If someone had asked me to describe it, the first thing that would've come to mind was: It was like I was inside some type of electronic device. The walls (if they even were walls) seemed to be covered in this weird wallpaper that looked like coding. I cocked my head to the side. Was it... Moving?

I looked ahead of me. A door. It popped out like a sore thumb. It was brown, and it almost resembled a classroom door. Could it be..? No... No way...

Hope's Peak Academy?

As soon as the thought entered my head, i quickly shooed it away, almost physically swatting the air. No, that's impossible. There's no way. I looked behind me. Nothing. Just more code. The only way out was through the door. I looked around again, once more, to see if there was any other way out that I was missing. No results.

My body, almost on its own, slowly moved forward, each step picking up pace, until I was at a normal walking speed. I closed my eyes as soon as I felt my hand touch the little handle on the door. I opened them and slid the door open cautiously.

A classroom. It was a classroom. The dreading thought that lurked in the back of my head crept out of the shadows. Hope's Peak? Once again, I forcefully made myself stop thinking about it and instead look around.

The room held everything a classroom would usually have. A few rows of wooden desks and uncomfortable looking chairs, a chalkboard, a teacher's desk, and even...


There were 14 teenagers all together. hey ranged from completely wacky to extremely stern. There were large and small people, some so much that it looked like they should have already graduated or should still be in middle school at least.

The funny part, was that I recognized all of them. From the Hope's Peak Academy website. They were all a part of class 77-B. My class. There was that thought again-

"Look! There's another one!" said a very loud and energetic voice. I turned towards the source of the shout. It was Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician.

"Can you not say that every time someone walks in? It's friggin' annoying!" This time, it was a boy. I recognized him easily. Kazuichi Soda, the Ultimate Mechanic.

"Ibuki just wanted to let everyone know..." The girl pouted.

"We can hear the fucking door open, dumbass. Shut the hell up." It came from the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. He really did have a babyface. Ibuki didn't answer.

"Um...Hi," I say, awkwardly. Really, Nagito?! That's the first thing you say to a classroom full of Ultimates?!

"Yo! What's your name?" Said the girl named Akane Owari. She was the Ultimate Gymnast.

"Ah. I'm Nagito Komaeda. Nice to meet you all." I answered with a generous smile.

Most of them replied with a "Hi, my name's... The Ultimate..." so on, so on. I already knew, of course, but I didn't tell anyone that. 

"Well...I guess...I'll just go stand over there," I said, barely audible. Nobody seemed to pick up on it. I walked over to a corner that was mostly vacant, beside Akane. She didn't say anything when I walked over, and neither did I.

After that, I just waited. I don't know exactly what for, but I did nonetheless. It was quiet, and nobody seemed to talk. Were... They all in the same situation as me..? I almost asked, but I was interrupted by the door opening.

It was a boy that was about my height, with spiky brown hair and olive eyes. He wore a white shirt with a tie that matched the color of his eyes, as well as black pant and white shoes with a red stripe on them. I didn't remember ever seeing him on the website... Maybe I...No, I wouldn't have skipped over anyone. I made sure I went through the list multiple times.

The strange part...was that I seemed drawn to him, despite the fact that I've never met him before. In the back of my head, I felt a strange feeling of deja vu, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

He looked rather confused, scared, even. The others gave him the same treatment as me, but the strange boy didn't ever say anything about himself, other than the fact that he was a freshman at Hope's Peak, just like the rest of us. Then... Why do I not remember him? Maybe... an error? But would Hope's Peak, the most elite school on the planet, really make a mistake like that?

I suddenly felt very intrigued by the boy. He gave off rather...ordinary waves. Not that I'm an expert, but I couldn't help but feel as if he was like me, a lonely bystander peeking in. 

What was this intense swirl of emotions? Confusion, that's for sure, but there were other things, too, and I couldn't figure it out. It bothered me.

For the first time in forever, I almost felt a real smile on my lips.

I Can't Feel Anymore (Komahina Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now