Chapter 23

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The picture -/////-

My Komahina heart is filling up with fluff <3333333


Nagito P.O.V.

I felt my head swirl around like a tornado. Did that really just happen? Did Hinata-Kun just... pin me to a wall?!

Despite my swirl of emotions, I heard one thing, loud and clear.

Stay away from me.

Those were the words he had said to me. Just like after the first class trial. I was so confused. Me and Hajime used to be... good friends, I suppose? But next thing you know, he's feeding me, pinning me to walls, and telling me to stay away from him. What was he trying to tell me?

After a bit of thinking, I realized that the thing with Akane was happening, and I felt myself rush out the door and to the direction of where everyone else was.

* * *

When I finally arrived, I figured that most of it all was over. There weren't many people still there, but I ended up seeing Hajime and Fuyuhiko having a conversation. They were saying something about how Akane had apparently almost died, when Nekomaru saved her from Monokuma. He ended up almost dying as well, if it wasn't for Monomi noting how Monokuma had to save him since he wasn't supposed to get injured.

As I listened in on their conversation, Hajime had eventually noticed me. He gave me a dirty look and scowled. Fuyuhiko must have noticed this, and he turned to face me. He turned back to Hajime and said something inaudible to him. And then...

There it was again. He started to blush and he had an almost angry expression on his face. "Sh-shut up..."

"What dude? I was just saying..." I caught Fuyuhiko say.

"I'm just gonna leave. I'm tired." And with that, Hajime started towards the direction of the hotel.

I thought about going after him, but quickly decided against it as I remembered what he had said to me. He had made it very clear, and I know he really didn't want me near him.

In the end, I ended up staying behind, closing distance between me and the brunette, that way he wouldn't think I was following him. Afterwards, I slowly made my way to my own cottage.

* * *

When I arrived, I plopped down onto my bed and quickly got under the covers, already trying to forget about today's events, despite how hopeful and mysterious they were.

My brain wouldn't turn off though, and all I could think about was Hajime's blushing face. I honestly started to wonder if he actually was sick. I mean, when you're sick, you're face is always red until you feel better, right? Then why did Hajime only turn red at certain times. I thought on this for a moment, thinking about the different circumstances in which he had blushed so much.

There was that time at the hospital... And the music venue when he pinned me to the wall... And when he was talking to Fuyuhiko. All I knew was that it always seemed to happen when I was around. Did that maybe have something to do with it?

I then thought of different reasons on why people usually blush in the first place. Usually they do if they have a certain kind of sickness, or if they're overly hot or cold... I don't think any of those would quite match up to how Hajime was.

Sometimes people blushed when they did or thought of embarrassing thins as well... Maybe that as it? People also blush when they get compliments or some type of praise, too, right? Which I suppose would follow under the embarrassment category...

And then a new, overly dramatic thought came into my head.

Don't people blush when they see something they love?

I widened my eyes, but I knew that that wasn't true. There as no way Hajime felt that way towards me...


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