Chapter 29

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Hajime P.O.V.

I was just about to drift asleep when I heard the Monokuma Announcement playing, telling everyone left on the island that it was night time, and that we needed to "get our asses in bed".

Great. He fucking woke me up. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep until a while, I tried to think about something. Something other than the class trial. Which, of course, made me think about the class trial.

What had Tsumiki meant when was talking about the Future Foundation? And who the hell was her beloved? I pondered over this a bit, not being able to come to a complete answer. No one had really come to mind. Not to mention, she said that they were already dead... Did she mean that they had died on this island, or before we even got here? My head then began to hurt, completely exhausted from working my brain so much during the trial. But instead of shutting off and trying to get some rest, it suddenly made me think about-

Are you straight?

Dammit!! Not right now!! Though, of course, the thought was already there, and thee was no point in trying to get rid of it. That, I learned the hard way.

I had never actually given any thought to sexuality. I just kinda went on and payed no mind to it. It's not like I don't support it either, though. I just... I don't know. How are you supposed to even know that type of thing? What classifies you as gay or straight?

This made me curious. Since I'd never given it any thought, I didn't really know what the so called "conditions" were to be able to call yourself gay, or bisexual, or whatever. Is it like... You find same-sex people attractive..? In what way, though? And how would you know for sure? Damn, was this confusing.

That ended up bringing me to another thought. I'd never thought about this type of thing till now, so why am I now? Is it because I'm a teenager, and I'm just getting curious? Is it because someone asked me? Or is it...

Because he asked me? Or even that I think I might be? UGHHH! I HATE THAT MAN!! I screamed internally, and I almost thought that it was going to turn audible due to how frustrated I was.

He's just so annoying. First, he wants this, and now he doesn't want that, and suddenly he's worried about me?! What the hell!? Dammit... And he cares so much too... He just wanted to help. He just wanted to make sure I was feeling okay, and that I was happy. Damn... Now that I think about it... When had Nagito ever really cared about himself? Even before the first class trial... He was always looking out for me. What, did he think I was a child or something!? I can handle myself. Did he really think I was that irresponsible?

But still... this sexuality thing is really weighing on my mind... Should I... Ask him about it..? No, no, no, that would just be weird. Even if he did know, there's no way I could ever bring myself toask him, especially when he's the one that asked me if I was gay or not. Then maybe... Yeah, I'll do that. I'll text her.

I pulled out my e-Handbook and went to my "contacts". I clicked on her and I's messages and began to type.

Hajime: Hey, Nanami. R U awake? I have a couple of questions.

She didn't reply until awhile, which made me think that I had woken her up.

Chiaki: Hinata? What are you doing up? What's wrong?

Hajime: I just wanted to ask U a couple things, but if UR tired, I can wait until later.

That was a lie, obviously. There's no way I could wait till morning.

Chiaki: I'm up already anyway. What's up?

Hajime: It's gonna sound stupid...

Chiaki: You can trust me, Hinata. I won't judge you.

Hajime: Thanks, Nanami.

Chiaki: ofc

Hajime: So I was wondering... What really classifies you as... Gay? Or Bisexual?

Chiaki: Sexual attraction. Why?

Chiaki: Wait, does my little Hinata think he's gay? GASP

Hajime: Um. Idk. Thats why I asked.

Chiaki: So do you have a cruuuushh???

Hajime: SHUT UP! I DO NOT!

Chiaki: Aww, such a tsundere.

Hajime: I'm so fucking tempted to scream at you but that would just prove you right.

Chiaki: So you admit that you were going to scream at me. Wow. Still proves it tho

Hajime: I actually hate you.

Chiaki: oh ok then

Hajime: NOT LITERALLY. I was joking

Chiaki: ik

Hajime Oh.

Chiaki: So did my input help? Do you have anymore questions?

Hajime: Yes. And no, I'm good for now. I'll let you know if I have anything else to ask you later on.

Chaiki: kk. gn

Hajime: Gn.

I then shut off the e-Handbook. Sexual attraction, huh? As in... I would have sex with males..?


Does that mean...


NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. NO!! I absolutely will not agree with that line of thinking. It's obviously wrong!!

But still... Just the fact that he was asking me...

What did that really mean..?

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