Chapter 9

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Nagito P.O.V.

Monokuma had afterwards explained to us the class trial and how it works. Basically, if we find out who the "blackened" is then only they will receive a just punishment. But if we get it wrong... Everyone but the blackened will receive said punishment. Geez... What a despairful situation...

It truly was perfect.

Eventually, we all ended up investigating (me and Hajime were investigating together as well), trying to find evidence as to what happened in the dark, everyone's alibi's and ultimately... Byakuya's murder.

Of course, I already knew most of what had happened. After all, I was the one that set it all up. But I never killed Byakuya. That must've been Teruteru. After all, I did make sure to tell him about my plan... He was probably trying to kill me when Byakuya came and pushed me out of the way. He was probably able to see what was going on due to the night vision goggles he had. That was probably the most logical explanation at the moment.

Eventually, Monokuma came onto the screen of the monitors just like he had yesterday. "Ahem... Please get yer damn asses at Monokuma rock, please. And no one can skip out, or you will be forcefully dragged to the location. Thank you!" I screen shut off. That was a nice farewell.

Hajime looked at me, no expression of suspicion in his eyes. Even though everything about this situation, no, about me, was suspicious, he never even thought about me as a killer. "Well... I guess we should get going then..." He said, the uneasiness in his voice showing.

"Yeah... I'd prefer not to be dragged all the way there." I almost let out a chuckle.

Hajime seemed to pick up on this. "How can you be so carefree in moments like these?" He started moving towards the direction of the central island. "I mean, sure, all the others were pretty calm at the beginning... When we first got here, I mean. But you? The only way to describe how you react is that you're carefree, almost as if you expected this all to happen." Geez... He really didn't think I was suspicious after all that?

"I guess... A lot has happened to me in the past, that at this point, not a lot surprises me anymore." I took a deep breath. "But trust me... Byakuya's death did. It's awful troubling, if I'm being honest." A half-lie.

He seemed to consider this. "Yeah, but how could something like that not get to you?" He shivered slightly, putting his hands on his arms as if he was cold.

"Yeah, good point." I said. "But maybe... Things will get better. After all, hope-" I stopped myself.


"Uhm... I was just saying how we all have to stay hopeful, that's all." I say.

"Oh." He looked down at the ground. "Yeah, you're right."

Did I upset him?

"Sorry." I said.

"What for? It's not like any of this is your fault."

I almost laughed at the irony of his words, but I managed to keep a poker face. "Well, I'm not saying that I did do this... But you probably shouldn't trust people so easily." He looked at me, eyes like slits. "You never know when someone will stab you in the back." I said, almost sorrowfully. Was I betraying Hajime by doing this? What happens when he finds out... that I'm the one that sets all this up? I looked away from him. Tears pricked my eyes. I carefully brought my hand to one, and I felt it roll down my cheek. I was... crying.

"Are you alright, Nagito?" Shit. I quickly wiped my face with my sleeve and turned to face him once again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. This situation is just very overwhelming."

"Yeah, I know what you mean..."

We both remained silent the rest of the way to Monokuma Rock.

* * *

When we finally arrived, everyone else was already there. No one made a comment on our tardiness. If anything, they probably were glad we dragged out the time.

"FINALLY! Gosh, you guys take WAY too long!" Monokuma whined. "Now we can finally begin..." Monokuma clapped his paws together. Nothing happened. Everyone looked confused. Monokuma tried again. Still nothing.


Suddenly, one of the Monokuma's mouths that was carved into the giant rock formation started to move, leaving a wide gap where its teeth should've been. Then, there was a whirring sound, and a escalator appeared from the Monokuma's mouth.

No one said anything, but their slightly ajar mouths said it all. What the hell?

"UP YOU GO ARSEHOLES!" He yelled, motioning us forward forcefully.

We stepped onto the escalator, slowly raising high above the ground. Up we went, to the class trial for Byakuya's murder.

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