Chapter 12

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Nagito P.O.V.

"Wait... How did I... Suddenly become suspicious?" Teruteru said, aghast.

Wow, Teruteru... You're pretty much done for... Geez, here I was thinking you could do so much better than this...

"Look, if you have something to say in your defense, then please share. I don't want to do this... But if I have to, then I will." Hajime said.

Even though I knew it... That he was done for... I thought, maybe there could be a miracle in store..?

"Come on, Hanamura! Prove him wrong! Are you really gonna listen to such false accusations, or are you going to show them you're not the killer! Come on, you're the Ultimate Cook! You can do this!" I motivated.

"Call me chef..." Was all he could muster out of his trembling lips.

"Come on, this is outlandish! Show them they're wrong!" I repeated.

"Y-Yeah... you're right... I... I need to do this! I'll show you th-that I'm innocent!" He said, suddenly a lot more encouraged.

"Nagito! Why are you butting in!" Hajime's icy words stabbed by skin, piercing my chest. It was like... we were total strangers now... Like he... hated me.

"Relax, relax," I said, half talking to myself. "Listen, how would Hanamura even find the exact place that was under the table? It was pitch black during the blackout, you know."

"Aha! Now is my turn to shed light on the case that you've yet to figure out!" Gundham said. "There indeed was a glowing liquid near the blood that was dripping from underneath Togami's body!"

"The luminescent paint! That must've been what it was!" Hajime suddenly shouted. Nice job... Hinata-Kun. "The killer must've used it to mark where the table was, that way they could kill him from beneath the floorboards!"

"They were probably trying to get to Togami before Komaeda did... Meaning they knew about his plans, which again points Hanamura." Chiaki added.

"I-I... I don't know about... any p-plans..." Teruteru stuttered.

"Look, I don't want to pin this on you... It's just..." Hajime said, not being able to finish.

"No, Hinata-kun. You should be more confident!" I felt the tiniest hint of heat in my cheeks. "You are following your own hope that you believe in! So keep going Hinata-Kun! Show me your hope! Will it perhaps be enough to break through Hanamura's..?" Of course, I already knew the answer. It was obvious. Besides, I could tell. Teruteru was just backing himself into a corner with every little thing he did.

"Y-Yeah, right..." Hajime said doubtfully. I frowned.

Hajime went on, and he was finally able to break through Teruteru's argument. Ah, finally... I could see Hajime with his hope, how large and strong it was.

We were even able to find the murder weapon, an iron skewer hidden in the meat on the bone.

"Now, it's time to cast your votes! Please pick someone that you believe is the guilty party!" Monokuma announced.

"N-No..! No, I'm begging you, please! I just wanted to save you all from Komaeda! Please, don't let me die!" Hanamura sobbed.

"Trying to save everyone... Or trying to save yourself? After all, you're mother played a big role in this, didn't she?" Monokuma said in a sly, almost sadistic way. "Care to explain to everyone? After all, it could be used as your dying wish..."

Teruteru went on to tell us about how his mom was sick, and how he needed to get back home to her, to help with the restaurant again. Oh, dear... This... wasn't going to be a clean farewell, was it..?

"Well then let's send you home... As a new ingredient for her cooking, yes? It shall be called the Teruteru special!" Monokuma said, raising a hammer high into the air.


"NOOOO! MAMAAAAA!!!" He screamed. Then, just as quickly as it had came, a chain appeared out of nowhere and dragged him off into a pair of double doors. He screamed, repeating his last words over and over again, until he was too far away to be heard. "MAAMAAAAAA!!!"

At that moment, a screen flicked on above Monokuma, and it showed live footage of Teruteru flying through the air by helicopter, dangling by his feet. A few missiles filled with what seemed to be flour and some type of oily substance had been fired at him, hitting him directly. Soon, the helicopter had reached its destination. A volcano. It soared above the lava-filled top, lingering for a moment, before finally releasing Teruteru. He plummeted into the volcano, and just as his body hit the lava, a smooth but loud sizzling sound was heard, echoing through the trial room, which was dead quiet.

The others wallowed in despair, sympathizing the poor, now dead, Ultimate Cook. "Dammit!" I cursed. Eyes were soon on me as I continued to speak. "Such a despairful outcome... But... You have to move forwards, to a brighter hope, a better future! You shall grow stronger by overcoming the despair laid out before you!" I said enthusiastically.

"Shut the hell up. You've done enough already." Hajime passed me, a cold chill ran down my spine.

You've done enough already.

. . .

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