Chapter 2

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Ok, author here.

And I just wanna admire the amazing "artwork" here TvT

Nagito P.O.V.

Before I could even think of anything to say, Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, spoke up.

"So, now that everyone is here, I would like to discuss the current issue at hand." He said. I let my eyebrows raise.

"Woah! How'd you know that we're all here?" Ibuki asked, voice full of curiosity. 

"Well, there are 16 desks in this room, and now there are 16 students in the room as well. Does that not make sense, or are you dumb-looking ones still lost?" He remarked. I couldn't tell exactly who all he was talking about, but I could tell he was being serious.

A few people started to yell in protest, but Byakuya continued on, ignoring all of them. "Is it safe to assume...that we're all in the same situation? That everyone here blacked out as soon as we stepped foot onto campus, and then awoke in that hallway back there?"

Everyone showed some sign of agreement. So they all really are in the same situation... I actually feel bad...

The conversation continued on, but no matter how hard I tried to focus, to stop what I was doing, all I could do was stare at the mysterious boy that had entered the room just a bit back. All this seemed to do for me was miss out on the commotion that was unfolding before us.

"Teacher? Well that would be me of course?" It was a high-pitched voice, and it seemed to come from behind the teachers desk. Damn, what did I miss?

There were lots of confused shouts and faces. "The teacher's desk! It came from there!" Kazuichi shouted. Everyone turned towards the area of suspicion.

Suddenly, something appeared from behind the desk. As it jumped in the air, it did a little somersault and landed on the desk. It was... A rabbit. I pink one, with a weird wand and a skirt. What the hell? Is this supposed to be a prank?

After a moment of silence, it talked. "Why hello there! I am Magical Girl Usami, but you can just call me Usami," It giggled and then continued. "I'll be your teacher and your guide here on this school field trip!"

Then, the mystery boy spoke. "School...Field trip..?"

" said you were our teacher, isn't that correct? Then you must know what's going on." Byakuya reasoned.

"Well of course, silly! Now, I think it's about time we get started!" She replied. I wanted to say something, anything to try and figure out the situation, but the others beat me to it. The rabbit dubbed "Usami" seemed to ignore them, though, as she waved her wand in the air and said, "Bippity-Boppity!"

And just like that, the walls of the classroom fell away, revealing what looked to be a tropical island.

Shouts. Lots of shouts and yelling. Where had the hallway go? I thought as I looked towards where the code-plastered hallway should've been. 

Then, I found my eyes trailing over to the mystery boy, once again. He swayed a bit before toppling to the ground.

Without warning, my body began to move on its own, dashing towards him. I didn't say anything, just moved

I must've caused a big scene, and before I knew it, all eyes were on me and the boy. I paid no mind to the others, as rude as it was, and kept my gaze fixed on the boy. I studied his face. There was a sudden shout of panic. "What the hell happened to him?" I couldn't tell who it came from, but the voice indicated that it came from a guy.

"I...I think he blacked out. He fainted." I said, confirming my suspicions.

"Jeez... Isn't he supposed to be a boy! You guys are supposed to be brave and protect girls from harm, not faint from...uh. Fear?" It was Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer.

"Oh no! That's not good! That's not good at all! Perhaps I should take a look..." It was Usami.

"No, he's fine." I said, almost demandingly. Stay back, was the first thing that came to mind. I almost froze with shock. Did I really just think that? I couldn't help but feel I was right, though. There wasn't any real reason she should be touching him. "He's just fainted. No need to worry." I said.

"Are you sure I shouldn't check up on him?" She asked, wide-eyed.

Even though I knew that we were in the presence of Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse, I still didn't let anyone touch the mystery boy. "I'll keep an eye on him." I declared.

"Well, if you insist, buddy!" Usami said. I almost wanted to say, "Don't call me 'buddy'", but I just kept it in my head and kept a good outlook and smiled. "Now, I'm sure you're all a little confused, and maybe even scared, but I assure you, everything is completely fine!"

"Where the hell are we?! What the fuck did you do to us!?" Fuyuhiko yelled.

"Ah, so scary! Please, there's no reason to be so explicit!" Usami put her hands over her head and shuddered. "But, if you would like to know about where you are, then why don't you go explore?" She suggested.

"Is that really such a good idea considering the shape he's in? Maybe someone should stay with him?" Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Swordswoman announced. 

"I'll stay with him." I said. Everyone turned to face me, including Usami. "Besides, you all should go explore. We'll know more about the situation we're in if you do that, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct!" Usami replied

Fuyuhiko was already leaving. "Good. I don't wanna stay cooped up with you losers anyway. You bitches are annoyin'."

The others ended up (in one way or another) agreeing with him and taking their leave. Soon, it was just me and the mystery boy.

Oh, how wonderful my luck was.

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