🐺Chapter one🐺

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The three weeks have arrived quickly and within that time Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote have phased and now Sam has a pack albeit small. Charlie was at the station while Bella was at school. "Hello, I'm looking for Chief Charlie Swan?" Charlie hears a man's voice." That's me." Charlie says greeting the man.

"I'm Rob, This is Luna Reigns the girl I told you about three weeks ago." Rob says looking at the shy girl next to him." Ah yes, Hello Luna. I'm Charlie Nice to meet you." Charlie says with a smile." Hi Charlie, nice to meet you too and thank you for taking me in." Luna shyly spoke." Here is her paperwork so let's get to it and I'll leave her in your care." Rob says with a smile.

They do the paperwork and Rob leaves and Charlie finishes up work." So Luna do you want to get something to eat or are you not hungry?" Charlie smiles." I'm hungry can we eat?" Luna smiles." Of course, we'll go to Cora's diner for lunch and if you like I'll introduce you to some friends of mine?" Charlie says." I'd like that Charlie." Luna shyly spoke.

They get to the diner and Charlie takes Luna's hand and walks into Cora's diner." Hi, Charlie no Bella again?" Cora notes." Not today, she's at school. Cora this is Luna, my foster daughter. Luna this is Cora." Charlie introduces the two. They wave hello and Cora leads them to Charlie's table Charlie gets his usual and Luna gets a sandwich and fries with a milkshake.

After lunch, Charlie drives down to Billy Black's home with Luna where Sam, Jared, and Paul are all at Billy's with Harry talking about Jared imprinting on Kim Connweller in class. Charlie sounds his horn informing the men and the pack of his arrival.

"Sam, Paul, Jared. Charlie is coming in with his foster daughter she is nine years old so be nice to her okay?" Harry explains. All three nod in understanding and Charlie enters first greeting everyone and Luna shyly appears.

"Luna this is Harry Clearwater and Billy Black." Charlie introduces her to the two men." Hi, I'm Luna nice to meet you both, and thank you for allowing me to visit."Luna shyly spoke." We couldn't wait to meet you, Luna." Billy smiles."Luna this is Paul and Jared." Charlie introduces the two lads."Hello Luna, I'm Paul." Paul smiles." Hi." Luna smiles shyly." I'm Jared." Jared smiles." Hello." Luna shyly spoke.

"Sam, come and meet Luna," Harry calls Sam over. Sam jogs over and looks at Luna and she looks up at Sam. He froze on the spot and saw his future with her and knew he would be whatever she wanted him to be a friend, a lover, a protector, or a brother.

Harry, Billy, Jared, and Paul exchange looks at each other." Hi, I'm Sam nice to meet you, Luna." Sam finally says shaking out of his trance." Hi, I'm Luna, nice to meet you too." Luna shyly spoke.

Luna got her backpack out and sat next to Paul,Jared and Sam as the three older men spoke." I'm drawing a wolf do you like wolves?" Luna asked Jared." Love them." Jared smiles."Black wolves are my favourite." Luna hums in response. Sam smiled at his young imprint.

Harry pulled Charlie to the side." Charlie, would you be okay with the lads having Luna around after school and during the weekend?" Harry wonders." I wouldn't mind as long as she comes home every day at eight-thirty at night on the weekdays and she is safe during the weekend." Charlie agrees." Sam will bring her back." Harry says with a smile.

Luna went to the kitchen and climbed on the counter since she was short and got a cup but couldn't get back down."Hang on I'll get you down. "Sam says chuckling." Thanks, Sammy, can you get me some orange juice too please?" Luna smiles. Sam nods and carries Luna to the fridge and gets her orange juice.

"Will he be able to cope without her?" Paul asked." Charlie just agreed to let you guys have her for a bit over the week after school and at the weekend. "Billy whispers. Paul nods and Luna decides to draw Sam, Jared, and Paul wolves without realizing it.

"Here you go, Sammy. Do you like it?" Luna smiles. Sam shows it to the boys and the three men who smile at her drawing." Wow, this is amazing Luna, I like the wolves." Sam smiles." I kept seeing them in my sleep so I drew them as it felt right to draw them now." Luna says shyly.

Harry and Billy look at each other and make a note about it. Sam smiled at how lucky he was to gain such a special imprint." Luna time to go home, you got to meet Bella now and I think she'll have her boyfriend with her." Charlie says with a smile.

Sam tenses up as do Paul and Jared. Billy gives them a look to calm down." Alright, bye Paul, Jared, and Sammy." Luna says and she hugs the boys.

Charlie picks Luna up and they head home. Sam phases and runs along the cruiser whilst remaining hidden. Charlie arrives home just as Edward brings Bella." Bella, I got someone for you to meet." Charlie calls her over." This is Luna Reigns your foster sister. Luna this is Bella and her boyfriend Edward." Charlie introduces the two.

"Hi." Luna waves and Edward smells Sam nearby." Hello, I'm Edward Cullen nice to meet you, Luna." Edward says with a gentle smile." Hi Luna I'm Bella." Bella introduces herself. Edward left and Bella went to her room. Luna got settled into her room. She looked out her window and saw Sam's wolf standing there.

Luna went outside and went to the edge of the woods and saw Sam wolf standing there." Hi there, I'm Luna." Luna smiles. Sam wolf trotted forward and nudged her hand indicating he wanted her to stroke her." You're so fluffy." Luna giggled as she stroked Sam's fur.

Sam lowered himself down and Luna climbed on and Sam took her for a light run." This is fun!!" Luna giggled. Sam was happy to spend some time with Luna. He didn't care that he had a child imprint he was happy that someone to live for and to protect.

"LUNA??!!" Charlie called for her and Sam took her back and lowered her down and stayed with her." Luna, you must never go into the woods alone again okay?" Charlie says." Okay, Charlie sorry." Luna shyly spoke.

Luna and Charlie headed in and Luna looked back to see Sam wolf standing there." Bye, Wolfie." Luna whispers and Sam's ears perk up. Sam left happy that he spent time with Luna and waited till tomorrow to see her. Luna had dinner, a bath, and watched a movie before heading to bed. Sleeping and dreaming about a certain wolf.

Luna has met Sam, Jared, Paul, Harry, and Billy. I'm loving her bond already with the pack

1. How was this chapter?
2. Do we want more?
3. How were Luna and Sam's first meetings?
4. Should Luna meet the rest of the Cullens?
5. Who is happy that everyone has an imprint?
6. Who is happy about Jasper and Bree being mates?

Luna Regins-Sam Uley Fanfic 🐺 Where stories live. Discover now