💥Chapter Thirteen💥

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The pack was patrolling as Luna was down at the pack house with Bella, Kim, Anna, Charlie, Rachel, Lydia, and Amber with Jacob since Quil was doing his shift with the lads." Luna, how's school going?" Charlie asked since Luna was back at school.

"It's alright, I'm enjoying making friends and I'm normally with Jake at lunchtime," Luna smiles. Charlie smiles, "Good I'm coming for a meeting as soon as it's parents' conference right?" Charlie questions.

Luna nods and smiles at him before continuing her schoolwork." Hey Charlie, can we do something soon?" Bella asks with a smile." Sure thing," Charlie nods with a small smile." Can we do it today? I want to spend time with you?" Bella asked with a smirk.

"Weirdo," Luna mutters." Shut it scar face," Bella snaps. Luna slams her pen down and goes to lunge at Bella when Charlie grabs her and Lydia right hooks Bella." That is enough Bella! Apologies to Luna now!" Charlie snaps." I won't!" Bella snaps." That's it, get her out of Sam's house!" Luna snaps." Lune we can't," Jake says lowly." No, I'm done, if that bitch wants her she can," Luna says with a tilted look at Bella.

Jacob wouldn't remove Bella so Luna packed up and left for the Clearwaters household." We're risking our necks for this stupid bitch and I'm the one who has to leave marvellous(!) So done with these idiots," Luna grumbles.

(A/N- I'm gonna get Brady and Colin to have phase now alongside Leah and Seth).

Luna hears four groans of pain and she makes her way towards the sounds and sees Leah, Seth, Brady and Colin all sweating." Hey, I'm Luna, I know you boys don't know me," Luna says to Brady and Colin." Hey Leah, Seth," Luna says gently to the two clearwaters. They all look at her," This is gonna seem so strange but get angry now!" Luna yells and they let the pain in and get angry and all phase into their wolves.

"Leah?" Luna says to the grey wolf and she looks up." Hey it's alright, I'm gonna explain everything," Luna says gently stroking her fur." Seth?" Luna asked the sandy wolf softly. Seth whines softly," Everything will be explained soon," Luna reassures him." Brady? Colin?" Luna asked the two wolves. They look up and they nudge her," Right come with me all of you," Luna says with a smile. Luna leads the four newly phased wolves to the pack house." Wait here," Luna says gently.

Luna runs in grabbing four shorts of Sam's and a vest for Leah." Here you go, think about your human side, your hair. Your hands everything human think and put them on and you gonna be naked when you phase back," Luna explains and they take the clothes." We're dressed," Leah says with a smile." Great come on in," Luna says with a grin." So why are we like this?" Brady asked.

Luna brings the newly phased wolves into the house where everyone is bar Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil and now Bella as she got sent home.

"Because vampire is roaming around and she brought your wolves out as you protect this land like Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Anna, Jake and Quil," Luna begins to explain.

"I'm Sam's imprint and that means I'm protected by him and you guys as Sam is the alpha wolf of the pack and Jacob doesn't want to be the alpha," Luna reveals.

"You'll get an imprint and if they are a child like me you go through stages, first a brother or in your case sister then, a friend and then more if the imprint wishes," Luna informs them.

"Sam and I are a big brother little sister imprint type of bond. The pack have to protect whoever you imprint on no matter who or what they are," Luna explains.

"So who has imprints?" Seth asked." Jared and Kim are imprints, Paul and Rachel are imprints, Charlie and Anna are imprints, Amber and Embry are imprints, Lydia and Jacob are imprints," Luna grins."I've already phoned Harry, he's coming here with the council to explain better," Anna smiles," But Luna got it spot on," Anna winks.

Harry arrived with Billy, Old Quil and Sue Clearwater. They all entered the house as did the rest of the pack who were shocked to hear Leah, Seth, Brady and Colin were newly phased and calm. Harry explained everything to everyone including the imprints who all knew even Charlie." Luna is our Seer and a young one," Harry says with a smile." I didn't see them phasing today," Luna tells Harry." Because sometimes the future isn't clear and this happened suddenly, " Billy explains.

Luna nods in understanding," That's everyone now expected well except Leah, Brady and Colin but we have a full pack so we can do a rota of patrol now," Luna smiles." Dad you okay with them patrolling in the woods?" Luna asked softly." Of course, just watch for hikers and try and stay out of sight," Charlie says with a nod to the pack and the new members.

The council heads home as do the imprints leaving Luna, Charlie and Anna with the new members of the pack." You four are staying here till you learn to keep that temper in check," Sam tells them." Why?" Leah asked." Because if you get angry you can hurt someone," Luna says making sandwiches and muffins for them.

"Is that what happened to you?" Seth asked making Sam glare at him. Luna slaps his back." Yes, it was an accident," Luna nods and looks at Sam," leave him alone, he's allowed to ask," Luna says with a look." I can't wait to imprint!" Seth smiles." You will all five of you, I know it, you two will in the next two days and you three in the next three days," Luna says with a smile.

"Right, that's me, Anna and Luna off, Sam. She'll be down in two days give these four the chance to cool down," Charlie says with a look. Sam nods in understanding and Luna hugs Sam goodbye before leaving with Charlie and Anna.

Luna went to bed and dreamed about Volterra again and this time she saw the guards, and the Kings more clearly and she saw the tour group and then heard screams. She woke up with a gasp and she wrote what she saw.

She was determined to change the way things were in Volterra as she didn't want them feeding on kids anymore. Bella was sent to Reene's house for a couple of weeks to give everyone a break from her.

Chapter thirteen is done ✔️ that's the pack completed! Everyone who hasn't got their imprint will imprint in Chapters 16 and 17!

Why do you think Luna is seeing Volterra more and more?

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Do we want more Mini Ocs x Wolf Pack members?

Alice returns in Chapter Nineteen when Harry passes away from a heart attack!

Chapter 14 and 15 will be very short sorry!

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