👑Chapter three👑

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Charlie came to pick Luna up as he had to go over to Phoenix Arizona because Bella had had an accident. Sam didn't want to let her go, Luna was sad to go but she knew she'd see him soon."Bye, Sammy." Luna says sadly." Bye princess, I'll see you soon." Sam smiles.

"Tell Jared not to eat the muffins I made with you." Luna giggles." I won't let him touch even one." Sam winks. Luna giggles brightly."Thanks for having her Sam." Charlie shakes Sam's hand." No problem we love having her." Sam says with a smile.

Charlie and Luna head off and Luna waves goodbye to Sam. Luna and Charlie get on the plane that Carlisle has paid for. They arrived at the hospital where Carlise was standing there waiting for Charlie. Luna hid slightly behind Charlie." Dr. Cullen, how bad is she?" Charlie asked.

"She has four broken ribs, a broken leg, cracks in her skull, and extensive blood loss and bruises from stumbling down the stairs and out the window" Carlisle admits and Luna frowns at Carlisle's lie. Carlise notices Luna and waves to her and she slowly waves back.

Luna goes back into a daze and she goes over to a table while Charlie visits Bella. She draws The Volturi without knowing it and she draws the two wolves she doesn't know about yet. Carlisle walks past and notices her drawings. Luna senses Carlisle behind her and closes her book.

"Do you mind?!" Luna grits out." I don't like people nosey in my business." Luna snaps."I apologize for being curious." Carlisle says politely. Luna frowns but nods and waits till he leaves before resuming her drawing.

Charlie takes Luna and Bella home. Luna goes straight to her room and she sees Sam's wolf standing there on the edge of the woods again. Luna slowly heads downstairs and exits the house and Sam's wolf trots forward to meet her." Hi, wolfie." Luna greets him. Sam Wolf sniffs her checking that she is okay.

"I'm okay, I got something to show you by the way." Luna says showing him the two new wolves." I see these wolves do you know them?" Luna asked. Sam tilted his head trying to work out the wolves and shook his head.

"Hmm might be new ones I'll ask Sam. Do you think he'll know?" Luna asked. Sam wolf huffed in response." Okay, well do you know who these are?" Luna shows Sam wolf the Volturi. Sam shakes his head and lies by Luna's side." The older Cullen Carlisle was looking in my book. I don't like that when people do that." Luna says. Sam Wolf grumbled." Are there others like you? You can't be on your own?" Luna asked.

Sam Wolf nodded," That's good, I'm sort of alone. My parents died but I got Charlie now and I'll always be grateful to him. I got Sammy, Paul, Jared and I guess Kim too. I got Harry and Billy too! So I'm not completely alone but I miss them." Luna says sadly.

Suddenly two wolves appeared in front of her and Luna smiled." I like their fur colours." Luna commented. Paul trotted forward and Sam stood up to watch him." It's alright, he won't hurt me will you?" Luna says with a smile.

Paul wolf shook his head and laid his wolfy head on Luna's lap as Jared came to her side and nudged her." It's lovely to meet you both." Luna shyly says. Luna stayed with the wolves and Sam smelt Edward coming towards the house and nudged Luna back inside.

"You got to go?" Luna says sadly. Sam nods his head in confirmation, " Bye see you guys soon. I'm off to Sam's tomorrow again. I like Sam he's nice, I want to cook again tomorrow." Luna says with a smile. Sam huffed in response and Luna smiled.

Luna heads up just as Edward appears and the wolves growl at him. Edward's eyes widened and gulped. They watched him go into Bella's room and Sam made Paul stay with Luna that night. Edward went into Luna's room saw her book and opened it.

Paul spotted Edward in her room and jumped into the room. Paul growled and moved in front of her bed and growled. Luna woke up to Paul kn in front of her and Edward in her room and screamed.

Charlie ran into her room to see Paul wolf growling at Edward." What the hell are you going in my house and my foster daughter's room?!" Charlie shouts at Edward. Paul curled his body around Luna as she got up.

"Luna you okay?!" Charlie asked gently." Yeah, he was looking through my things." Luna says holding Paul tightly. Bella came into the room." Edward, what are you doing here? This isn't my room?! Isn't that a wolf?!" Bella exclaims.

"He's my wolf leave him alone, get him out of my room!" Luna shouts getting upset."Hey, it's okay, I'll leave I'm sorry Chief Swan." Edward says trying to leave but Charlie grabs his hands and arrests Edward.

"Edward Cullen, I'm arresting you for breaking and entering. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand?" Charlie cautions him." I understand." Charlie leads Edward out and Bella follows. Charlie quickly phones Sam to come and get Luna from his house as he's busy arresting Edward.

Sam arrives and heads in to collect Luna who has fallen asleep on Paul's back." Hey princess." Sam says gently stroking her head." Hey, Sammy are you here to take me to your house?" Luna asked sleepily.

"Yeah, so let's get a small bag of spare clothes and your books okay?" Sam whispers. Luna nods and goes to get her things and Sam faces Paul." Good job, Paul well done." Sam whispers. Paul huffs," Ready." Luna smiles." Bye, sliver." Luna says hugging Paul's wolf head.

Paul jumps out the window and heads back on patrol." Let's go, missy Shall we go and watch a movie and make a pizza for a late-night snack?" Sam offers with a grin." Yeah!" Luna squeals. Sam heads down with Luna on his hip and Charlie stands there.

"Thanks, Sam, sorry for waking you up. This one decided to break into Luna's room and look through her private property." Charlie says with anger laced in his voice. Sam glared at Edward and Edward gulped knowing he was in for it later.

Sam took Luna home and Paul and Jared were there concerned for their alpha imprint and their Luna." Hi Paul, Hi Jared." Luna says running to them both and both are ready to hug her and hug her."Can we make S'mores instead of pizza?" Luna asked with a smile." Yeah, come on little one I want these smores made." Jared says picking her up.

Luna squeals happily, "Lune can I look in your book?" Sam asked nicely." Yeah, your guys are allowed, and Harry and Billy, not the Cullens." Luna frowned at the last bit. Sam sees two wolves and the words The Volturi next to the coven-cloaked people." They must be the vampire that the Cullens are afraid of." Paul notes.

"Yep, but who are these two wolves one must be Jake but who is the other one," Sam says with a small frown." No idea We will find out soon though.

Jared and Luna begin to roast marshmallows melt chocolate get crackers out and make loads for all four of them. Luna accidentally spills some water on her and she yelps."Oww!!" Luna cries and Sam rushes to her side and puts her hand under cold water." It's okay, don't cry I'll make your hand better." Sam says gently."Paul call Sue over now!" Sam says sternly.

Sue arrives half an hour later and sees a teary-eyed Luna." Hi Luna I'm Sue Clearwater, can I see your hand, please?" Sue says gently."Can Sam stay by me?" Luna cries." Of course." Sue smiles.

Sam sits by her and Sue checks Luna over and sees her hands all red but not blistering." She'll be okay, just the shock of the burn more than anything so cold water and no more messing with hot water." Sue says with a gentle smile.

Sue leaves and the pack eats the smores. They all watch a movie together Luna lays on Sam's lap and her feet are over Jared's lap as she falls asleep.

"We need to have a word with them Cullens this is the second time they have pushed their luck with Luna," Paul says. Sam nods in agreement and strokes Luna's hair as she sleeps.

Chapter three is done ✔️ Luna met Carlisle. She predicted the meeting with the Volturi and Jake and Embry wolves. Charlie has arrested Edward for breaking and entering.

1. How was this Chapter?
2. Do we like Luna's bonds with the boys?
3. Who do you think Luna should meet next?
4. Who loves Sam in this book?
5. When should Luna learn about the wolf's side of Sam, Jared, and Paul?

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