🎮Chapter Twenty-five🎮

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The Newborn battle had arrived and all the imprints were at the pack house. Colin and Brady were staying at the house with Anna helping them protect the imprints along with Charlie's help.

Luna had put Seth's old coat on and Sam's childhood trousers on so she smelt like the wolves. Leah and Luna get along greatly as Leah knows Luna saw hers and Seth's imprints coming their way.

"Right everyone ready?" Sam asked." Ready!" The pack replies and they all exit the pack house."See you later Dad, mom," Luna says hugging Charlie and Anna.

Luna decided to call Anna, Mom and Anna allowed her," You best come home Luna and you lot better protect her, "Charlie said with a look in his eyes." Yes sir," Sam says with a look.

The pack phased and Luna climbed onto Sam's back, they all ran to the fighting field and Luna jumped onto Seth's back and they headed up the mountain.

Jacob was just leaving as they nodded to him as he ran down the mountain."Seth go hide she's coming, Luna go hide with him," Edward informs the two, Bella hid behind Edward, and Victoria and Riley turned up.

Edward Victoria and Riley started to fight and Seth came out of his hiding place and fought alongside Edward surprising Riley and Victoria. Seth took on Riley as Luna began causing distractions to both the enemy vampires.

Edward wins the fight as he manages to decapitate Victoria and Seth manages to kill Riley. Bella wimped out and hid from the battle.

Edward burnt the bodies to ash. Luna rode down on Seth's back and Edward brought Bella down. Edward noticed a newborn next to Esme," Why is she not dead?" Edward asked."Because she won't get harmed by the Volturi," Luna says with a smile.

"Hello there I'm Luna," Luna smiles." I'm Bree," Bree shyly spoke." You don't have to be scared, I won't harm you, and neither will Seth or Sam," Luna says as Sam joins her side.

Jasper joins the Coven and spots Bree next to Luna and he feels a bond with her," Uncle Jazz, come meet Bree Tanner," Luna says with a smile. Jasper goes over and Bree looks up and smiles at him." Hello," Bree says shyly with a grin.

"They're coming! The Volturi are coming!" Alice says and everyone stands as Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demitri appear. Luna holds Brees's hand as Jasper holds both girls close and Sam stands with Luna and sends Seth away.

"It appears you've done our work for us," Jane says."Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact," Jane compliments

"We were lucky," Carlise says."I doubt that" Jane scoffs."It appears we missed an entertaining fight," Alec smirks."Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary," Jane says.

"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward says."Pity," Jane says. Jane sees Luna, Bree, Jasper, and Sam," This must be Bree Tanner," Jane says." I am, I don't mean any harm," Bree shyly spoke and Jasper hugged her as Alice scowled.

"Bree, you are safe, Our Kings have a deal in place so don't worry we ain't going to harm you," Alec reassures her. Bree sends a nod in thanks," As for you, I would think about being turned otherwise we won't allow you to live much longer," Jane says and leaves.

The four guards leave and the Cullens family faces Bree, Sam, Luna, and Jasper," So what was that about?" Edward asked." None of your business," Luna snaps." Bree come with us," Luna says gently and they wall away from the rest of the Cullen family.

"Bree I know you're a scarlet witch," Luna says. Bree let the red magic flow out of her fingertips," Beautiful," Jasper says softly." Thank you," Bree says with a smile." Bree, you can strip Jasper of his vampire side without his age catching up to him," Luna tells him." I know I want to give him his life back," Bree smiles. Bree goes up to him puts her hand and lets the magic flow into his head.

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