🎬 Chapter Nineteen🎬

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Luna was with Sue Clearwater since Charlie and Harry were hunting at the same time. Luna went into a daze and she saw Harry in a bed and dying and dropped a glass and walked through the glass. She ran outside when she heard howls bursting through the woods.

"HARRY!!!!" Luna screams. Jared and Sam came to Sue's to give her the news that Harry had a heart attack and that they needed to go to the hospital. Sue left with Sam and Jared got ordered to take Luna home for Sam and to meet him at the hospital. Jared took Luna home under his alpha orders.

Jared heard a howl signalling the loss of a pack member. Luna screamed out for Harry as she could tell it was Harry's death that the pack was howling for.

Luna rode on Jared's back, she didn't want to leave Jared. She wanted to be with her father, Sam and the Clearwaters. She gave Jared a wolf cuddle and said goodbye.

She entered the house expecting it to be empty to find Alice standing in Charlie's front room." What are you doing back?!" Luna asked Alice confused, Alice quickly hugged Luna." I came back to comfort you and Charlie that what I'm doing here."Alice expressed.

Luna was confused by this" What do you mean comfort us?" She asked with a tilted look. Alice was about to answer when Bella came rushing in, pushing past Luna and hugging." Do you want to tell me how you are alive?" Alice asked with a look of confusion.

Bella then explained how Jake saved her and that his kind of a werewolf. Alice goes on about how they aren't good company especially when they lose their temper." I mean look at Luna, she got attacked by one of them and I'm guessing it was Sam." Alice blurted out.

Luna snapped her head up and was about to go and punch Alice when Jake grabbed Luna from behind." Woah Luna calm down, and speak for yourself." Jake snaps at Alice.

"Thought you couldn't be on this side for the line," Bella asked." Luna is my alpha imprint so she needs the protection," Jacob shrugs

"I didn't see you get saved," Alice says. "Probably because of him and I was here to comfort Charlie and Luna in their time of need," Alice explained to Bella. Jake heard the phone ring and answered it."Charlie is not here, he's busy sorting out funeral arrangements for someone with his fiance Anna," Jake says hanging up.

Luna stays by Jake's side when Alice comes rushing in." Bella, Edward going to kill himself," Alice reveals. Bella rushes to get her things together because Edward is going to kill himself thinking she is dead so she gets a bag of things together and drags Luna to the car with her and Alice." Hey, let go of me! Jake help me!!" Luna shouts.

Jake tries to grab her but has no luck, Bella quickly gets Alice to drive off. Jake phases and runs to tell the pack that Alice Cullen has taken Luna and to tell Charlie that Bella has kidnapped Luna. Luna knew this was coming but she had no idea what going to happen.

Chapter Nineteen is done ✔️ Ended on a cliffhanger Luna meets Aro and the rest of the Volturi next chapter!

Short chapter sorry!

Kind of wanted to get the action-packed chapters now!

Ready for the meeting between Aro and Luna?

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