🐺Imprints and Pack🐺

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This page just explains how they meet Luna and will be there for the beach ones, not the high school ones.

Jared and Paul met their imprints when Jared first phased he imprinted on his girl crush as Paul bumped into Rachel who he has always liked but never made a move.

Jake and Embry imprint on new girls Amber Jones and Lydia Martin after they phase. Both boys are just heading into school as the new girls do and they bump paths and lock eyes.

Seth and Leah imprint on brother and sister duo Roman and Wanda Carter on the beach when the pack has a beach day. Leah and Seth join the pack just as Roman chases Wanda crashes into the Clearwaters and locks eyes on them.

Quil, Brady, and Colin all imprint on the Barnes sisters. Brady imprints first on Rhea at school when she first began. Colin imprints second when he meets Mila who also first began.

Quil is the last to imprint and imprints when Mila and Rhea bring their baby sister Rue to see the pack at the beach and lock eyes with Quil.

Hopefully, this clears up how they all meet and how each imprinting happens 🥰❤️ A/N- Imagine the packs imprint as whoever you like as I'm only focusing on Luna's story! This will be the same for the other books too!

Charlie gets a wolf imprint too called Anna Lopez! Making Leah the 2nd wolf shifter!

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