💮Chapter Twelve💮

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Luna was at the pack house getting ready for Jasper's visit. Sam told Paul and Jared to meet Jasper at the treaty line. Jake and Embry told their partners that Luna's great-uncle would be here so they could come down but they would have to keep their distance.

"You excited to see Jasper again?" Sam asked Luna who had done up some food for Sam and her since the boys decided that they were going to go to the beach with their imprints whilst Jasper was here." Yeah, I've missed him, he's nice," Luna nods." You do realize he's gonna be angry with you for my face right?" Luna says gently

Sam nods, "I know, are you still mad at me?" Sam wonders." No never was, It was an accident that I saw coming, but I'm okay," Luna says with a smile. Paul and Jared walked with Jasper to the pack house." Sam, Luna," Jared says knocking on the door." Jasper here," Jared announces." Let him in," Sam says with a smile.

Jared lets Jasper in and Jasper nods in thanks and enters the house and sees Luna and her scars." Hey Luna, how's my favourite girl?" Jasper says with a grin."I'm good Uncle Jazz, how's things with you?" Luna smiles brightly as she hugs Jasper. Jasper looked up at Sam," Was this you?" Jasper asked scarily calm." It was an accident, Bella beat me up and Sam just saw red and phased," Luna explains.

Jasper lunged at Sam and the two went at it," Paul!! Jared!!" Luna shouted as loud as she could. Luna got in between the two as Paul and Jared arrived." Just stop! This is silly! Jazz it was an accident Sam stop! He's just angry because I got hurt. If you don't stop both of you then Paul and Jared will separate you both from me till you calm down!" Luna warns them firmly.

Jasper and Sam both calm down." Now can we both apologise to one another right now?!" Luna says with a look." Sorry," Sam/Jasper say to one another." Good, boys come and get your lunches and the girls," Luna says with a smile. Jared takes the basket and Paul kisses Luna's forehead goodbye."Behave and invite Quil as he's gonna phases soon," Luna says." Yes milady, of course," Paul nods.

Paul and Jared leave and Sam and Jasper both calm down and sit down across from one another." Are we calmer now?" Luna asked bringing Sam food and giving Jasper deer blood." Yep sorry," Sam nods and Jasper nods in agreement." Now let's restart this visit and forget that happened," Luna smiles brightly.

Both agreed to this and Sam left Jasper and Luna to have a private meeting with each other." Jasper this is going to seem like a strange question but Alice and you don't seem together like Rosalie and Emmett why is that?" Luna asked softly." Because I don't think we are mates but she's sure that we are," Jasper says slowly.

"Jasper, can we trust you with a secret?" Luna asked as Sam appeared behind her." Of course," Jasper nods." I'm a Seer a young one. I've seen who your true mate is and she's young about 15/16 years old. She has brown hair kind of wavy, she'll be around here soon and she's a scarlet witch. She is your true mate, but you mustn't think about her around them till the time is right," Luna reveals slowly.

"That's why you said Alice's visions are bullcrap because you've seen the incidents happen before they do," Jasper realizes." That's right, my Seer side came through when my parents died," Luna smiles softly." That's awful Luna," Jasper says hugging her." It's alright I have Charlie and the pack now plus I have you," Luna says gently.

Jasper didn't stay for long as he was only allowed to for a couple of hours. Luna and Sam went to the beach where she saw Quil with the pack and  she went into a daze, Sam noticed this and turned her around." Luna?" Sam asked gently.

"He's gonna phased now," Luna says with a look." Quil!!" Luna yells gaining his attention. Luna runs and grabs Quil and runs into the woods with him." Quil are you getting angry?" Luna asked with a look.

Quil nods and the pack turn up in their wolf forms." Okay, this is gonna sound strange but Quil get angry," Luna tells him. Quil got angry and phased into his brown wolf and he looked down and jumped in surprise.

"Quil?" Luna asked softly and he looked up." Hi," Luna says gently stroking his head and Quil leans into Luna."Hi bud listen, the five wolves behind me are Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry and Jake.

Sam is going to explain everything to you now and listen to him," Luna says gently. Sam walks forward nudging Luna to say I got this go back to the beach,"Bye boys," Luna says stroking each wolf and leaving them to help Quill out.

Luna and the girls get back to the pack house in time for Anna and Charlie to come and collect Luna as they are going out for dinner.  Luna leaves food for everyone and goes home with her dad and bonus mom. Luna was happy and hoped to reason happy but the future isn't clear to her yet.


Chapter 12 is done ✔️ Jasper and Sam went at it! Quil phased early! Seth and Leah will be joining the pack soon as will Brady and Colin!

How was this chapter?

Ready for the Italy visit?

Ready for Bree to enter the book?

A/N- Some Chapters will be short or Long!!

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