🔥Chapter six🔥

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Luna has been with Sam since the incident at the Cullen's home. Luna was at her happiest with Sam, she liked being with Sam and he liked having her companionship too." Sam, is it safe for me to go back to Charlie's now?" Luna asked.

"It's always safe at Charlie's. You want to stay here tonight again or go back?" Sam asked curiously." Stay here, they haven't left yet and I want to wait till they leave." Luna says ominously." Okay, we can tell Charlie you want to stay for a while." Sam says with a smile.

"Can I go to the reservation school, not forks?" Luna asked." I can see if Charlie will allow you to go and see if Billy or Harry can make that happen." Sam smiles." I'm turning ten soon, can we have a party? I haven't had one for three years." Luna says with a grin.

Sam smiles," We'll see." Luna giggles brightly. Suddenly she goes into a daze." Luna, draw what you see." Sam says quickly handing her a paper and pen. Luna draws Bella going missing and the Cullens leaving." When does this happen?" Sam asked." Soon, I believe," Luna responds. Sam nods and Paul and Jared arrive with their girlfriends.

"Hi, Kim Rachel, boys," Luna greets them." Hey Luna, you made us any muffins?" Jared winks." Not today, but I will," Luna responds. Luna headed outside to play with Jared and Paul whilst Kim and Rachel made lunch.

Sam went on patrol, and Luna went into a daze she walked into the woods she made her way through the woods as Paul noticed her leaving that way. He followed her and saw where she was heading and where Sam was.

"Hello," Luna greets her wolf, Sam turns to face Luna and trotts forward to greet her." You need to get out of the woods, hunters are coming!" Luna says sadly. Sam's ears perked up and looked to see a Hunter standing there." Run!" Luna shouts. Sam nudges Luna to go back and Paul picks her up Sam runs off with a hunter on his tail.

"Is he going to be okay?"Luna asked worriedly."He will be, you saved him," Paul reassures her. Sam returned unharmed and Luna ran to him and hugged him," Hey what's wrong?" Sam asked curiously." My wolf almost got killed," Luna sniffles." Aw, he's okay I promise you," Sam says reassuring her.

Charlie came to collect Luna," Hey Luna you ready to come home?" Charlie smiles, "Of course, bye boys, bye Rachel, Kim." Luna grabs her bag and waves goodbye to the pack." I want to apologize for what Bella did," Charlie says with a sad look." You don't need to apologize it's her that needs to apologize to me." Luna gently hugs Charlie.

Charlie headed home with Luna, and they went to see Bella wasn't home." Luna head up to your room sweetheart I got to try and find Bella." Charlie says kissing Luna's forehead." Try the woods," Luna responds."What makes you say the woods?" Charlie asked."A feeling," Luna responds walking up the stairs. Luna sits on the window sill and watches everything happening from the window.

Luna sees Jake and Billy arrive, she heads down to them and waves hello," Hi Billy, Jake nice to see you again," Luna greets ever so gratefully.
"Hey, Luna it's good to see you again too," Both greet Luna.

She stood with them as the search parties were starting," Luna you were right she did go into the woods a neighbour saw Edward and her going into them and him coming alone twenty minutes later. No Bella and it was six hours ago." Charlie tells Luna.

"Good job Luna," Billy winks knowing she saw this coming," He needed to know where to look otherwise he wouldn't have even known where to start," Luna says as her eyes glaze over and Billy lightly grabs her hands pulling her in front of him so he could see her only whilst Jake and Charlie were momentarily distracted.

"Luna? What's wrong? What's going on?" Billy asked," They found her, the wolves. My boys, they found her." Luna responds. Billy and Harry who heard her speak looked and realized she had seen Paul, Jared, and Sam searching for Bella in wolf form and had found her.

"Charlie! Sam found her!" Harry shouts gaining everyone's attention. Charlie takes Bella off Sam and gives his thanks to Sam. Luna turns and sees Sam with Bella smiles at him and decides to test his wolfie hearing,

" Well done wolfie," Luna whispers. Sam looked at her nervously and smiled. She ran at him and hugged him," You're not mad?" Sam asked curiously, "Nope, I saw you, Jared, and Paul shift back before you exited," Luna responded with a look.

"You are amazing, I'll explain everything more clearly soon I promise," Sam says with a smile," I know you will go home Sam I'll see you soon," Luna says kissing Sam's cheek."See you soon princess, get in now it's cold," Sam says quickly hugging Luna and kissing her forehead goodbye.

Sam jogs back into the woods and Jake lifts Luna and carries her in as she had three visions in one day which makes her extremely exhausted and pale. Jake puts her to bed for Charlie who thanks Jake for his help with Luna.

"I got her adoption papers and it's just for her to say yes to a judge and her social worker and she will be officially Luna Reigns-Swan," Charlie tells his two oldest friends."That's amazing Charlie, she'll say yes she adores you," Billy smiles at him as Harry nods in agreement.

Charlie had to deal with a depressed Bella, get Luna's birthday booked and get her sent to the reservation school which is getting approved thanks to Old Quil's support. The pack was getting ready for the new shifters that were incoming as well as preparing for the reveal to Luna.


Chapter six is done ✔️ Luna knows the three wolves' identities. She is turning ten and is getting adopted by Charlie officially 😍 Embry and Jake phase soon ❤️ she will see them phase and when.


1. How was this chapter?

2. Do we like how Luna is getting more powerful and her visions are clearer?

3. Do we love her character development?

4. Who is excited for everyone imprints to join?

A/N- They all meet at school or on the beach that's how they all meet one another.

5. Who do you think will kill Alice, Edward and Bella?

6. Who is in love with this book?

7. How do you think Jasper learns about Bree being his true mate?

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