🫶Chapter Nine🫶

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Luna's tenth birthday had arrived and Charlie immediately took the day off he got his living room decorated and put all of the presents in the living room. Sam and the pack were doing her party and putting their presents out.

Luna was getting herself up and dressed before heading downstairs to see a decorated living room and Charlie standing there.

"Happy Birthday!!" Charlie yells. Luna smiles and runs to Charlie and hugs him tightly."Thank you," Luna smiles.

"You're welcome, come on let's eat and open all your presents," Charlie smiles.

"Okay, what's the plan for the day?" Luna asked as they sat at the table.

"Ah that would be spoiling it," Charlie smiles and winks.

"Awww come on!" Luna fake pouts." Nope, sorry princess," Charlie says ruffling her hair. Luna giggles at Charlie and eats her pancakes.

Bella makes her appearance and scowls at Luna who scowls back at her. Charlie watches the interaction and gets up.

"Bella I'm warning you, leave her alone," Charlie says sternly." You didn't do this for me," Bella says with a scowl." He did, You were too bothered with them Cullens to care," Luna yells.

Bella lunged at Luna and the two got into a physical fight which ended up with Luna getting a broken nose, and bruised and sweeping wounds. Bella receives the same wounds as Luna hits out hard and right hooks her off her.

Charlie grabs Bella and puts his hand up to Luna, "Go upstairs and clean up," Charlie says softly." I'm gonna deal with her so go and get upstairs," Charlie says softly. Luna turns to go up the stairs and clean herself up.

Luna went into a daze and she saw a wolf phasing and an accident happened but she couldn't see who it was phasing or who the person in the accident was.

"Luna?" Charlie says knocking on the door breaking her concentration." Yes, Dad?" Luna asked turning around.

"I'm going to take you to Sam's so I can get Bella charged with assault so get a bag together as this is going to take me all day," Charlie says regretfully.

"Aww Daddy, it's okay," Luna says hugging Charlie." Can you send her back to her mother's?" Luna asked softly.

"I can do but only for a short while is that okay?" Charlie wonders. Luna nods and smiles." Go get ready birthday girl, I swear I'll make this up to you," Charlie says softly kissing Luna's forehead.

"I know, go deal with her and we can have cake at Cora's diner later on if you can do that?" Luna smiles.

"For you yes," Charlie says softly with a smile." Okay then, don't frown Dad Someone can fall in love with your smile if you keep smiling," Luna says hugging Charlie.

Charlie got Bella in the car handcuffed as Luna was in the front with her overnight bag. Charlie drove to the police station first to book Bekla in and told his colleagues he'd be back once he took Luna to his friends' house.


Charlie drove to Sam's house and beeped the horn and Jake, Embry, Jared, and Paul came out as Sam was still sorting out Luna's gifts." Charlie, what happened to her?" Jake asked letting Luna out." Bella, so keep an eye on her and keep her safe. I'll be back soon to celebrate her birthday with you all," Charlie says.

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