🎀Chapter Twenty-three🎀

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The pack has been watching Bella for three weeks but not babysitting her. Luna and Charlie have now moved down to the reservation with Anna. Bella is now living in a cabin alone and left to her own devices.

Luna was busy sorting out her things when she came across a book about Scarlett witches and their abilities. She saw an interesting piece of information about them.

(A/N- this is made up!)

Scarlet witches have the ability to remove a vampire of its power and revert them to human again without their ages catching up to them and they start ageing from the moment they are turned slowly.

"She can help Jasper come back as human," Luna whispers. Luna made sure that she was going to be on the battlefield to ensure Jane wouldn't touch her or hurt her and help Bree learn to do this ability and get her uncle's life back.

Sam was on the chase today with Quil, Brady, and Embry. Jared was watching over Bella for a short while and the rest were watching over their imprints and the others. Anna was with Luna so she was protected.

"Luna!" Charlie shouts gaining Luna's attention."Yeah?" Luna asked, "Gonna need a hand with decorating want to help me out?" Charlie smiles."Yeah!" Luna chuckles.

Luna, Anna, and Charlie spent the entire day decorating their new home. The pack had no issues and they were done for the day as they only helped out three hours a day.

Sam made his way to Luna's new home and phased back." Hello Charlie sir," Sam says politely." Sam, I told you it's just Charlie," Charlie chuckles." Sorry, can I help you out?" Sam offers after to see Charlie doing the painting." Sure grab a paint and get to it," Charlie smiles and nods.

Sam helps Charlie out and Luna brings them a cup of tea and cake." How was your day Sam?" Luna asked with a smile."Good no problems so far, How was your day?" Sam wonders."It's been good, found something interesting about a certain subject, "Luna grins." That's good," Sam smiles.

"Charlie, is Luna alright to come to the pack house tomorrow and give you and Anna a day to yourselves?" Sam asked politely." Yeah, just make sure nothing bad happens to her, and we're good," Charlie nods.

"Yes sir, anything else I could help you with?"Sam wonders." Yeah, could you help me with getting this place sorted out and putting furniture down?" Charlie asked.

Sam nods and the two get sorted with the house while Anna and Luna head to town to get some shopping in and a pet dog for Charlie." I think we should get a German shepherd as he loves them!" Luna says with a smile." Let's go in and get him on then," Anna winks.

They head into the pet shop and see German shepherd puppies called Pietro and Katy and a warning must be homed together as brother and sister.

Pietro and Katy-

"We have to get them!"Luna says with a smile and puppy dog eyes

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"We have to get them!"Luna says with a smile and puppy dog eyes." Alright jeez enough with the puppy eyes," Anna chuckles. Anna brought the two German shepherds and a whole bunch of dog treats food, toys, and bedding.

Anna gets home with a sleeping Luna and pups." Sam! Need your help!" Anna calls out. Sam jogs outside to see Anna with two pups and nudges her head to a sleeping Luna." Wanna get her?" Anna grins.

Sam nods and picks up and sleeping Luna who knew San picks her up and snuggles into his chest and the crock of his neck."Oh my god! You two didn't?!" Charlie exclaims with a smile on his face."We did! This is Pietro and Katy your puppies!" Anna grins happily.

Charlie fussed over the puppies and kissed Anna deeply and lovingly. Sam took Luna to her bedroom and lay with her all night long. Sam didn't want to leave Luna but he had to head home. He tucks her in and heads out to his home.

Chapter Twenty-Three is done ✔️ kind of short. This was a little filler Chapter, to be honest.

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Bella, Edward and Alice die at Volturi's hands


Bella dies at Victoria Hands and Edward and Alice die at Volturi hands

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