🏳️‍🌈Chapter Twenty-Seven🏳️‍🌈

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Sam and the pack received word from the Volturi Kings requesting their presence and the tribe's Council along with their imprints." Why do they want us there?" Paul asked confused." No idea but all of you are to go in wolf form and we ride your backs," Luna says gently." Luna, can you see anything going bad?" Sam asked." I-i can't see anything," Luna admits sadly.

Sam goes to Luna and kneels in front of her." I saw me and you running and then it went black," Luna says with a sad expression." Luna, when you are running does something happen inside of you?" Billy asked. Luna nods, "Like a burning sensation," Luna says softly and Sam hugs her." I've heard of this, sometimes Seers for wolf packs end up with a wolf as they hit a certain age," Billy says with a soft smile.

"Wait why didn't you tell us this?!" Sam asked." Sorry thought it was a rumour that's all, "Billy shrugs. Sam gave a glare to Billy and was about to say something when he noticed the time." It's time to go, the Volturi Kings are nearly here," Sam says.

"Remember to stay on guard and don't interfere with them and the remaining Cullens," Luna warns. The entire pack nodded and shifted and everyone got on their imprints back. Bree got on Quil's back with Rue and the remaining people walked with the pack.

The pack stood on the field with their imprints, tribe, and allies as the Volturi Kings and guard arrived as the Cullens did and they were shocked to see Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper human." My my, Bree Tanner look at what you did, Marvellous work dear," Aro says with a smile." Thank you," Bree nods.

"What was the reason for this?" Luna asked." We have decided that the remaining Cullens aren't worthy of living as well as the Swan girl, "Aro says looking at the five remaining coven members.

"What crimes have we committed Aro?" Carlise asked." You turned Rosalie without her consent, you purposely allowed Edward Cullen to put Luna Regins in danger who is a minor and we don't allow that, Alice gave out false promises and prophecies, we have many more to list," Aro says with a look.

Marcus was looking at Sue Clearwater and made his way over to her and the wolves growled." No, let him, he won't hurt her, he'd never harm her," Luna says with a knowing look.

Marcus and Sue looked at each other," I'm Marcus Volturi," Marcus spoke softly." Sue Clearwater," Sue smiles softly. Leah and Seth moved closer to their mom watching his movements."Bree can give your life back and you can live with Sue in peace Marcus," Luna says gently." I'd like that," Marcus nods.  Marcus stood with Sue and the pack.

Aro smiles at his brother and looks at the remaining Cullens." I think it's time to bring them to their knees," Aro says looking at Alec who removes their senses." I think the imprints, the tribe members, Bree and Rosalie should leave now," Aro says looking at the pack imprints." Luna, Sam, Jasper, and Emmett stay the rest go," Aro says.

Sam gives the order for the wolves to go with their imprints and make sure everyone is safe. They leave and Sam, Luna, Jasper, and Emmett remain. Bree stripped Marcus of his Vampire side and gave him the age of Sue Clearwater and he is now truly happy.

"You can't kill her she's human! The wolves don't allow this," Edward informs them. Aro looks at Sam," Will you allow this?" Aro asked. Sam thought about it and nodded slowly," We have permission," Aro said with a smile.

"Aro once this is done, you must declare Forks and the reservation as wolf territory, and no vampires are welcomed here," Luna declares."This is the last time you are allowed here, I hope you can understand this," Luna says with a soft smile." Of course," Aro nods.

Aro turns his attention to the restrained Cullens and Bella." Jane, would you mind causing the Cullens pain?" Aro smirks." Yes master," Jane smiles. Jane Volturi causes them all pain and agony. All four of them scream in pain."Please stop!" Bella pleads." Felix kills Carlise and Esme Cullen now," Aro commanded him and Felix made his way to the two and ripped them apart and Demitri burned them piece by piece.

"Alec can you and Caius deal with Edward, and Alice now?" Aro asked with a smirk. Edward and Alice were ripped apart and they burned them piece by piece." This bit will be very unpleasant to watch," Aro says with a smile.

Bella got mauled by Aro who took pleasure in draining her blood and burned the body before leaving the field alight." This will be the last you see of us," Aro says with a smile. Luna nodded and Luna noticed how Alec didn't look happy," Alec would you like to stick around?" Luna asked with a soft smile." If you will allow me?"  Alec says with a small smile." Of course, come on," Luna says with a smile.

Alec made his way across the field and Luna let him onto Sam's back and they headed back to the pack home." Alec, can I ask you something?" Luna asked softly." Of course, what do you want to ask?" Alec says.

"Do you want to return to human start again?" Luna asked softly." I would but I can't leave Jane," Alec says sadly." Jane knows where to find us as this offer is open to her too," Luna says gently.

Alec nods," I want to turn human again," Alec says with a smile," We can do that," Luna nods, "Bree!" Luna calls Bree out. Bree exits and removes Alec's vampire side and gives him the age of fifteen.

"Now you can start again," Luna smiles." Thank you for this," Alec smiles." You can live with me, Marcus, and my children Alec," Sue grins." Thank you, Miss Clearwater," Alec says. Jane came to the pack house and saw Alec back to human.

"You're not coming back?" Jane asked."No, I don't want to do that anymore, I want to be free and be happy Making others suffer wasn't doing that for me, I want to live again and be human," Alec says.

"But you can come join me, we can start again," Alec says putting his hand out," But we owe Aro-" Jane says." No, you owe Aro nothing, Yes he saved you and you served him long enough," Luna interrupts her.

"Now you have a choice, come back to human and be with Alec or continue with Aro and continue to serve him," Luna says with a smile. Jane thought about it and nodded," I want to be with Alec," Jane said. Bree removes Jane's vampire side and gives her the age of fifteen.

How Marcus, Jane and Alec look now-

Everything was calm and settled in the reservation and Luna felt a burning sensation happening in her body

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Everything was calm and settled in the reservation and Luna felt a burning sensation happening in her body." Sam!!" Luna groans in pain." Come on!!" Sam says to Luna and he drags her out of the house the two run into the woods and....................


Chapter 27 is done ✔️ ended on a cliffhanger and Alec, Jane and Marcus are all human!! The remaining Cullens are gone and Bella is dead!!!

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