🐱Chapter Eleven 🐱

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Luna was with Anna and Charlie in Seattle having a meal and a shopping spree. Luna has matured a lot since arriving in Forks, She started acting mature and writing her visions down and discussing them with Billy, Harry, and Old Quil. Charlie got involved more with the pack and covered for them when reports came in about them.

Anna has settled in with Charlie and is a protective mama wolf with Luna and scolds Bella and anyone who stares at Luna's face." Luna, do you want to get the pack anything?" Anna asks." Loads of food so they can have a big meal as Sam doesn't cook a lot so I have to with help," Luna nods." Well, we'll do that and I'll start doing the cooking and do big pots of food that have to be used up in a certain amount of time," Anna smiles.

Luna nods," I think curries, pasta, lasagna stuff like that would be filling for them, but I don't like onions as I'm allergic to them so I substitute for tomatoes," Luna smiles." That's fine sweetheart, Help me shop and get Charlie something as his birthday coming up," Anna winks. Luna smiles and she sees something she knows Charlie would love." Get him these as he loves baseball and get him a beer jug of his own," Luna says hugging Anna.

The trio enjoyed a day away from Forks and the reservation. They made their way home and Luna headed to her room she ended up going into a daze. She sees herself in Volterra meeting with Aro, Marcus, and Caius and discussing important issues with them privately.

She sees a brunette girl who is frightened to death and she is tame and kind and has the powers of a scarlet witch. She writes the name down and keeps it with her till the day she goes to Volterra.

"Luna you okay sweetie?" Anna asks." Fine thank you," Luna nods." Come on it's pizza and fries for dinner," Anna smiles softly. Luna and Anna headed downstairs for dinner and enjoyed a peaceful night.

Bella was with the pack and returning soon, Sam was already aggravated by her presence and everyone was having a hard time containing their tempers as she kept going on about the Cullens.

Luna doesn't hear from Jasper much but she was given a letter from Jasper today and she read it in private.

Hello Luna,

I hope you are well and having a good time with the pack and Charlie. I will visit soon just got to clear it with the pack and the council. I am safe and I'm seeing my old friends solo as they don't like Alice very much. I hope Sam is looking after you my sweet Luna and I'll visit you soon I promise.

P.S.- I am bringing you a belated present for my great-niece when I next see you.

Jasper Whitlock x


Luna was down at the pack house with Anna and Bella. Anna brought the food to make a curry and she and Luna began to prep the food for cooking whilst Bella sat in her ass." Hey!" Luna yells gaining Bella's attention."What?!" Bella snaps." We are doing the guys some food and the least you can do as a thank you is help us and do them some food for looking after your flat backside," Luna says with a look.

"No, I'd rather not," Bella scoffs and goes back to reading a magazine. Anna slams the knife down goes over to Bella and rips the magazine out of her hands."Hey!" Bella whines." Oh, I'm sorry did I disturb your break?" Anna sarcastically says." You are getting off your backside helping us with doing these lovely lads some food or I'll drag your flat ass home," Anna threatens.

Bella glares at Anna and Luna carries on doing food ignoring Bella." I'm just gonna do this, Anna, as she's never going to help you or me out," Luna says cutting tomatoes up."I'm having words with your dad tonight as I'm not having the disrespect from you anymore," Anna says annoyed. Bella mutters under her breath and carries on reading.

Luna and Anna carry on cooking as the pack files in," Everyone okay? No trouble?" Luna asked."Nope no problem," Sam says hugging Luna. Bella got a devious idea and went up to Sam." Sam I know I haven't been showing my gratitude so I wanted to show you that I am," Bella said and she kissed Sam in front of everyone Luna walked out and ran off to the cliff and sat on the edge as she felt her heartburn.

Luna looked at the sea below and she heard twigs cracking and turned to see a redhead vampire behind her." Luna Reigns The youngest Seer alive, I no issues with you," She says." You're Victoria right?" Luna says. Victoria nods," I wouldn't do anything as you'll have wolves after your head," Luna says gently. Victoria tilts her head before backing away." I'm only after Bella Swan," Victoria reveals." We know, unfortunately, you won't be able to," Luna says. Victoria leaves and Luna sits by the edge of the cliff.

Embry and Jake made their way to find her smelt The redhead raced to the cliff and saw Luna sitting there unhappy." Luna?!" Embry shouts." Go away!" Luna yells angrily." Sam is on his way," Jake says." He let her kiss him! I know I shouldn't be angry as he is not my age but she did that to spite me and he let her!" Luna yells."You have every right to be angry Luna I'm sorry," Sam says appearing." Back off or I'll jump," Luna shouts. Sam backs off a little bit as do Embry and Jake.

Sam tries again," Luna I didn't kiss her back, I know you are angry. Please don't do this," Sam says sadly. Luna knows she's being silly but she can't help but feel sad." Alright," Luna says gently. Luna goes to moves when she feels something about to give away," Sam? I think the rock gonna give way," Luna whimpers slightly. Sam goes forward grabs Luna and pulls her before the rocks she stood on collapsed.

"I'm sorry!" Luna sobs," Shhh it's okay, Bella is gone as Anna took her home and Charlie going to have a word with her tonight," Sam says softly. Luna nods and Sam picks her up and she falls asleep in Sam's arms. Charlie granted permission for Sam and the pack to have Luna overnight.


Chapter Eleven is done ✔️  Jasper visits in Chapter Twelve whilst Bella is still at her dad's house.

How was this chapter?

How do you think Jasper will react to his great-niece having scars?

Do you think Charlie reacted well to the news about Sam and Luna being imprints?

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