🔍Chapter two🔍

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Luna was yet to start school so she had days to herself. Billy offered to have Luna whilst Bella and Charlie had work and school. "Ready to go to Billy's for the day?" Charlie says." Yeah! Are Sam, Jared and Paul going to be there?" Luna smiles." Sam might be, the boys go to school." Charlie says with a smile." Okay, I see them after school then?" Luna asked with a tilted look." Yeah." Charlie nods.

Charlie drives to Billy's House and Sam is waiting with Billy. Sam jogged over to Luna's side of the car and opened the door letting her out." Hi Sammy, I got something to tell you but I'll tell you when Charlie and Billy aren't around." Luna giggles."Alright princess, what do you want to do today? I'm all yours so what would you like to do?" Sam asked with a smile." Umm go to the beach and then movies?" Luna smiles." You got it, princess." Sam says with a grin.

Sam picks Luna up and they wave Charlie off." So what did you want to tell me?" Sam wonders." I saw a black wolf, it was so fluffy." Luna shyly spoke with a smile." Really? You got yourself a wolf protector which is good." Sam says with a knowing smirk. Luna giggled," You're funny." Sam smiles at his imprint.

"Let's go to the beach!! Come on!" Luna says with a smile." Alright, sassy mare, we got to tell Billy first." Sam says chuckling." Billy, we're off to the beach so we'll be back in a couple of hours is that alright?" Sam asked." Go ahead don't forget Jake, Embry, and Quil will be on the beach and I'll tell Jared and Paul to meet you there." Billy smiles.

Sam gives Luna a piggyback ride to the beach and they see Jake, Embry, and Quil on the beach. Jake jogs over wanting to meet Luna." Hi, I'm Jacob Black, or Jake if you want. I'm Billy's son." Jake smiles." Hi, I'm Luna." Luna smiles.

"How old are you Luna?" Jake asked with a smile."I'm nine." Luna smiles. Sam watched the lads closely as he didn't want them to scare Luna." Sammy, can we please build sandcastles now?" Luna pleads." Sure come on." Sam smiles.

Sam and Luna build sandcastles all morning long as Paul and Jared join them." Hey Luna." Jared smiles and brings Kim along for the afternoon." Hi Jared, who's she?" Luna asked with a curious smile." This is Kim, my girlfriend."Jared smiles." I thought Paul was your girlfriend." Luna giggles.

Paul bursts out laughing as Kim and Sam do. Jared's face was shocked, Luna giggled and ran off and Jared chased after her." Get back here!!!" Jared shouts."Sam!!! Help me!!!" Luna squeals as Jared catches her.

Sam runs up and takes Luna off Jared and gives a playful glare to Jared." Haha, I win." Luna sticks her tongue out at him." I hate you beastie." Jared says. Luna pouts sadly at him," You made her sad now." Paul comments." Oh no, I'm sorry, please forgive me." Jared pleads." Sam?" Luna whispers and Sam leads so she can whisper in his ear.

"Make him eat sand." Luna shyly whispers. Sam nods." Eat sand and she'll forgive you." Sam says with a firm look. Jared grabs a handful and eats it. Luna giggles as he spits it out." You're funny." She says with a bright smile. Paul picks up Luna and spins her around." Put me down!" Luna squeals happily.

"Can we go and eat?"Luna asked. Sam nods, "Come on then." Sam says with a grin." Hold on I'll be back." Luna says and she runs over to Jake." Bye Jake, see you soon." Luna says." Bye Luna, see you real soon." Jake smiles. Sam takes Luna to his house with his pack and Kim.

Luna goes into the kitchen and looks for food." Lune what are you doing?" Sam asked." I want to make pancakes for everyone." Luna smiles." Okay, but I'll help okay?" Sam says with a grin. Sam and Luna make pancakes for everyone and make a mess as they go along.

Paul and Jared watch their alpha and their little Luna bond over making food." Sam, can I stay overnight one day when I'm more settled?" Luna smiles." Sure little one got to ask Charlie first but might be best to wait till you make some friends on the rez." Sam says with a smile. Luna grins and leans into Sam's chest as he picks her up.

Charlie phones Sam." Hiya Sam could you drop Luna off at the Cullens's house please Bella said she'll look after Luna tonight as they want to take her to a baseball game." Charlie tells him.

"Sure thing." Sam grits out and Jared moves Luna from Sam sensing that he didn't like that call he just had." Luna got to go to a baseball game with the Cullens." Sam says with a look the boys caught on very quickly." Can't she stay here? Not go there?!" Paul says not want Luna to go.

Sam shook his head." The only thing I can do is give them a firm warning about her and tell them the consequences if she gets harmed." Sam says."Luna, you go to go to Bella's boyfriend's house is that okay?" Sam asked her." Why have I got to go there?" Luna asked hesitantly." They want to take you to a baseball game." Sam tells her." I don't want to go!"Luna shakes her head." I'll phone Charlie It's alright." Sam says gently." Don't let me go there, Sam." Luna says shakily.

"Hi Charlie, Luna is a bit upset about having to go does she have to? She not want to go I mentioned it to her and she is all upset now." Sam says with a concerned look." Well if she is upset then no she doesn't have to go. I don't want to upset her further can you have her overnight and I'll pick her up in the morning?" Charlie asked." We can do yes." Sam smiles." Thanks, Sam." Charlie says." Bye for now." Charlie says hanging up.

Sam puts the phone down and looks at Luna."You can stay with me tonight how does that sound?" Sam asked gently." I'd like that." Luna smiles wiping her tears away. Jared takes Kim home and Paul heads off." What's the real reason you didn't want to go?" Sam asked.

"I saw myself, Bella, and Edward Cullen I met at the field and three unknown people coming out of the woods they had red eyes and they were looking at me and Bella like we were meals to them. It scared me and it was on a field and it was a game of baseball." Luna shakily replies.

Sam stiffened up and almost growled at the fact nomads were roaming around." It's okay, don't worry as long as I'm here no one can hurt you." Sam holds Luna close." Sam, is it normal to see things that could happen?" Luna asked with tears in her eyes." I don't know Lune but I'll find out for you okay? I promise." Sam whispers holding a sleepy Luna.

Sam lifts Luna and tucks her into the spare bedroom and kisses her forehead goodnight. Sam phones Billy." Billy, what do you know about prophets?" Sam asked." They see the future some can be changed some can't why?"Billy asked.

" Because Luna sees things that have happened or are happening. She was meant to go a game with the Cullens and she refused and told me she saw three nomads on the field looking at her and we've been tracking these three for weeks as well. I think she is a prophet a very young one." Sam informs him.

"Get her to start drawing or writing what she dreams, she must do and I think she would be okay knowing the wolf's secret as she might have seen you and the lads shifting and phasing." Billy suggests." But wait till three more have phased before showing her." Billy adds.

"Agreed, I best go she is asleep right now and I want to make sure she is sleeping okay." Sam says." Alright keep her safe and ask her to draw what she sees or write it." Billy reminds him." I will thank you, Billy." Sam says hanging up.

Sam jogs upstairs and sees Luna sitting and in a daze." Luna, can you draw what you are seeing?" Sam says putting a paper and pencil in her hand. Luna begins to draw and she draws a room of mirrors and James and Bella. She draws blood puddles and she snaps out of it." What is this?" Sam asked gently." Bella is being attacked by a pale man with red eyes in a room full of mirrors." Luna shakily replies.

"It's okay, you did well." Sam says pulling her into his arms and Luna cuddles into his chest."Sam, am I a freak?" Luna asked sadly." No, you aren't you're a special person. So when you think you're about to see something that may happen or may not me Uncle Billy want you to draw it from now on okay?"Sam says gently." I can do that." Luna nods.

"Come lay down now, sleep I'll be here when you wake up," Sam says softly. Luna nods and Sam heads off to his room when he feels Luna grabs his wrist and shakes her head. Sam lays in her bed and Luna snuggles up to him and falls asleep with Sam watching over her.


Luna is a prophet🙊 Sam has a special imprint who can see the future with possible outcomes or some that can't be changed.


1. How was this chapter?
2. Do we like this little twist?
3. Who is loving Luna's bond with the pack?
4. Who do we want Luna to meet?
5. Do we want more?
6. Do we like Sam in this story?

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