🤑Chapter Twenty-two🤑

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Luna was looking over the rota as Sam joined her side. Sam saw the concentrated look on Luna's face." Hey, what's wrong?" Sam asked." I'm thinking we are busting our backsides off for an ungrateful person so I want the pack to come here now as I've changed my mind don't you dare argue with me," Luna says with a look.

Sam nods and gets the pack to come to the house with their imprints." So there's a change of plan, I'm not having us bust our butt off for Bella and her coven of leeches bar Emmett and Jasper because I like those two," Luna starts with." One wolf to watch over Bella at Dad's house and 4 wolves chasing the redhead and then you swap," Luna says with authority.

"That way everyone isn't having to watch Bella she's not a child she doesn't need us babysitting her," Luna says." You check she's okay and leave her alone, We ain't doing the Cullens' job," Luna says with a smile.

Sam smiles and kisses Luna's forehead." This is the new plan and it's not changing so pick who wants to watch Bella for an hour and who wants to chase the redhead," Sam says." Anna says she'll watch Bella first, so we just got to choose who chasing Victoria," Luna nods.

"We've chosen," Jacob says gaining Sam's and Luna's attention." Well, who is it?" Luna asked." Leah, Seth, Jared, and Paul," Jacob says as the four nods in confirmation." Seth stays here, Jacob you go," Luna says gently. Jacob nods in understanding.

"But I want to," Seth argues."You are fifteen! You and Colin will not be chasing the redhead, You are young and I need you two safe!" Luna argues back.

Seth shakes and Sam gets in front of him and his face." Don't you dare!" Sam yells and Seth backs off."She's making sure you and Colin are safe as you are near enough her age, she just doesn't want to see you die," Sam says firmly.

Seth looks at Luna," I'm sorry. I just wanted the chance to avenge my dad, he didn't deserve to die," Seth says lowly." And we will I'm not risking your neck or Colins right now as you two as well as me need to remain safe as we are only kids at the end of the day," Luna says gently. Seth nods in defeat and accepts he is not going to be fighting today.

"Leah, Jared, Paul, and Jacob. You have 3 hours to try and get her before you swap. Sam, Embry and Quil are going to phased and be outside protecting the house leaving Seth, Colin, and Brady here with us," Luna says looking at the imprints who all learnt about the secret three days ago.

Charlie was at work dealing with a local boy disappearing in Seattle but she knew he was safe as Victoria wouldn't touch him as Anna had already gone for her. Luna had lunch for the four wolves before they left for the day.

"Thanks, Luna!" All four shouted before leaving the house." Right, Quil,Embry on me, you three look after them," Sam says. The two left and phased out and patrolled the reservation." Can we ask about your face?" Rhea wonders." Of course, I got caught in the crossfire of my imprint phasing and I did see it coming so kind of my fault, but that doesn't mean they will do it to you," Luna says with a small smile.

Rhea nodded and smiled at Brady, Colin had Mila in his arms as Rue was falling asleep in Rhea's arms. Roman and Wanda were happily playing a game against Kim and Rachel whilst Amber and Lydia were helping out doing Lunch.

The pack rotated shifts throughout the day and night with the Cullens but they never interacted with Bella.

Anna didn't bother with her and carried on doing her wedding plans as she and Charlie still wanted to get married as they knew the pack and Sue could do with something positive to look forward to.

Luna was staying at Sam's with permission from Charlie who is slowly accepting the bond and he is making plans to move to the reservation with Anna.

He told Bella he would not be taking her as she was an adult now and he taking no responsibility for her. She is to find herself a job and a one-bed place for herself within the next three weeks as he wants her gone.

Chapter Twenty- Two is done ✔️ Luna changed the rota and now the pack don't interact with Bella or babysit her. Anna and Charlie's wedding is coming up soon!

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Does anyone want to guess what Luna has plans for Bree and Jasper since she's not a vampire?

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