⚛️Chapter Eighteen⚛️

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Luna was with the pack having a day off from patrol and babysitting. Anna had done lunch with Luna as everyone had brought their imprints to the pack house for movie day.

Bella was at home still grounded for her behaviour and Charlie was with Anna planning their wedding which they hoped to have in a couple of months. Luna had another letter delivered to her from Marcus and Jasper which said mostly the same thing as before.

"So we've set the date so save it and I'm going dress shopping soon so girls make sure your day is free," Anna smiles."I'm helping to do the beach wedding!" Luna smiles. Charlie smiles and kisses Luna's forehead," That's my girl," Charlie says with a smile.

"So is your daughter coming then?" Rachel asked." Bella?" Charlie says." Probably I don't know yet, as she's not exactly supporting this engagement so probably not," Charlie says softly." You don't need her as this is your family now," Jake says with a wink.

Charlie smiles at Jake and nods in thanks," And it's the best family I could ever want so thank you for being my support and taking Luna in as your own, it has been an honour and a privilege to be in this house," Charlie says with a smile.

Sam smiles," You're always welcome here you're family and we protect family, and that goes for everyone in this room," Sam says looking at everyone.

Quil had Rue snuggling into his chest while Rhea and Mila were leaning on Brady and Colin. Leah and Roman were snuggling on the couch enjoying another company.

Seth and Wanda were playing video games with Embry and Amber as Lydia and Rachel were looking for dresses for after the ceremony.

Jake and Paul were helping Jared and Kim do lunch as it was their turn. Anna went back to dress shopping in a magazine and Charlie went to Harry's house with Billy.

Luna was staying over at Sam's House as Charlie trusted Sam more now he knew and he was more settled on the idea that Sam had no bad intentions with Luna.

"So movies and pizza night?" Sam smiles." Yeah, pepperoni, and can we watch Disney films?" Luna requested. "Go for it, Sam smiles at her before making a pepperoni pizza.

Luna got her favourite blanket that Sam brought her for her birthday. Sam brought the pizza over and they had a quiet night in with no Bella no Victoria no nothing and enjoyed their imprint company.

Chapter Eighteen is done ✔️ kind of short sorry!

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A/N- not gonna rush to do Paul or Jacob's book as they are two of the most liked wolves.

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