🪞Chapter eight🪞

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Luna was going to visit the reservation school with Sam and Charlie. Embry, Paul, Jared, and Jake waited for Charlie and Luna to arrive. Luna arrived wearing a cute pair of blue trousers, a wolf top, a purple jacket and boots with a backpack.

"Hi, Sam! Hey, boys, ready for school?" Luna chuckles.

"Hey Lune, come on, I'll give you a piggyback ride," Jake chuckles.

Jake turns, and Luna jumps on Jake's back, and they head off to the school with Charlie and Sam in tow. They get to the school, and Embry and Jake both bump their crushes, and they look each other in the eyes and freeze.Luna chuckles at this.

"Hi, I'm Luna. Who are you?" Luna says to Embry's girl.

"I'm Amber Jones. Nice to meet you," Amber says with a smile.

"How about you?" Luna asked Jake's, girl.

"I'm Lydia Martin. Nice to meet you," Lydia smiles.

"This is Jake, and that's Embry. Would you like to come with us? I'm new to this school too. Well, it's more elementary part of the school, but I'm friends with these four," Luna offers with a smile.

"Sure, we need a guide for this place as we are new too," Amber smiles.

I like you two, you're nice," Luna chuckles.

They all head into the school, Jake and Embry wave to Luna, Charlie, and Sam as they had to go to class with Amber and Lydia, and Paul and Jared headed off as well

"Hello, I'm Mr Kingston, and this must be Luna Reigns-Swan?" The Headteacher says approaching the trio.

"Yes sir, she wanted to see her new school as she started soon, and she wanted to meet her teachers and classmates," Charlie says, shaking the headteacher's hand.

"Hi, Luna, ready to go and meet everyone?" Mr. Kingston says.

"Uh-huh, can Charlie and Sam come too?" Luna asked politely.

"Of course," He smiles.

They head into the middle part of the school, and since Luna is turning ten, she'll be in fourth grade. The headteacher knocked on the door of the classroom.

"Class, this is Luna Reigns-Swan. She'll be joining us next week, and she is ten in two days," Mr Kingston says.

The entire class waved hello and greeted Luna before they continued their tour. Luna was done with the tour, and she saw Jake with Lydia and Embry with Amber.

"Bye, lads! Bye, girls!" Luna says.

"Bye, see you later," Jake shouts.

"Definitely," Luna nods.

"Luna, I got work, so you can go to Sam's, and I'll pick you up at about half eight. Is that alright?" Charlie asked.

"That's fine," Luna nods.

Sam picks Luna up and the two head off to Sam's House.

"Sam, can we go home on your wolf?" Luna asked with a smirk.

Sam looks up and smiles.

"Just this once, cheeky mare," Sam chuckles.

They head into the woods, and Luna waited for Sam to phase she sees his black wolf come out of the treeline and lowers himself down for Luna.

"Hi, still in love with your wolf side, mister, ready when you are," Luna says as she climbs onto Sam's back.

Sam huffs and Luna grips him to secure herself, Sam heads for home, and Luna giggles as he runs.

Luna Regins-Sam Uley Fanfic 🐺 Where stories live. Discover now