🌙Chapter five🌙

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Luna was with Charlie as it was Bella's eighteenth birthday today. Charlie got her something from both Luna and him. Charlie has got the ball rolling for him to permanently adopt her as she has no other living relatives. He is being fast-tracked to being approved for his adoption of Luna.

"Luna, will you be okay going to Sam's today, or will you want to stay with Bella?" Charlie asked." Go to Sam's. I like Sam." Luna says shyly." Alright, then sweet Pea, go and get your bag ready for Sam's." Charlie smiles." Okay." Luna giggles." Charlie, don't you think it's weird that she's at Sam's alone?" Bella comments.

"Don't you think it's weird your boyfriend was in her room?" Charlie counters back." But that's different." Bella argues." No, it's not, Sam takes care of Luna for me with his friends and his friend's girlfriend, whereas Edward was being a perv spying on Luna." Charlie shouts.

Luna comes down the stairs smiling at Charlie." I'm ready to go." Luna grins." Come on, sweet Pea, let's get you to Sam's house." Charlie says, grabbing his coat and keys. Luna frowns at Bella and heads out, Luna stops in her tracks and goes into a daze. She quickly shook out of it got in the car, and headed to Sam's for the day.

Sam was waiting for Luna, he missed her a lot. She makes his day better and makes him feel less intense. He hears a familiar car turning in and smiles when he sees Luna in the front seat. He jogs over and opens her door, and she jumps out of the car and into Sam's arms." Hi Sammy, did you miss me?" Luna asked with a bright smile.

"Of course, I did." Sam grins." Thanks again, Sam, for having her. I know she likes being with you." Charlie says." Oh, Luna, Rob called the other day. I'm being fast-tracked to being your permanent guardian and adoptive dad if that's what you want also." Charlie says with a smile.

Luna's eyes widened, and she looked to Sam, who nodded in confirmation." Yes!! A million times, yes."Luna shouts, and she runs to Charlie and hugs him." Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Luna says happily. Charlie returns the hug and kisses Luna's forehead goodbye.

Luna gets her book and begins to draw, and Sam watches. He sees her drawing Jasper Hale, launching himself towards Bella and her finger cut open. Then she draws Edward pushing Bella, and her arm is cut open and bleeding out." Luna, when did you see this happening?" Sam asked curiously." This morning before I came here. I was awake this time." Luna says with a frown." It's getting worse, isn't my dreams?" Luna says, scared.

Sam goes in front of Luna and takes her hands into his." Look at me, Luna." Sam says, and she looks. "Remember when I said as long as I'm here, no one will hurt you?" Sam reminds her." Yeah, I remember." Luna nods." These dreams are your gift for you to use in whatever way you wish. You must tell me and Billy what you see happening and if it's going to happen and you must tell us if it changes, okay? They aren't dangerous, okay? They act as a warning to tell you this is going to happen or that this may happen. I and Billy understand you, and we want to help you, okay?" Sam says softly.

"Can Billy help me with my dreams? I keep seeing a red russet wolf and a grey wolf with a white face every night. I see a person but not their face, and then the wolf is in that person's place. I saw three men, and they all turned into black, brown, and silver wolves is that normal?" Luna asked.

Sam's eyes widened, and she saw him, Jared, and Paul phase from miles away." When did you see that happen?" Sam asked. "After my parents died, I had visions of a man turning into a black wolf. His wolf looks like the one that visits me a lot. I saw it happen three weeks before I came here." Luna says with a smile.

"Those wolves are my protectors, aren't they?" Luna asked." Yeah, they are. Jared on his way with Kim and Paul found himself a girlfriend in Jake's sister." Sam grins." Ooh, is she cute?" Luna giggles." She is cute, yes." Sam smiles.

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