🪢Chapter Twenty-Nine🪢

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Charlie and Anna were heading home with the dogs, Luna and Sam went to Billy and Old Quil where she phased showing them her wolf." Oh my, she's a special imprint for sure," Billy says with a proud smile.

"She is a moon goddess special wolf, She can see the future and predict like she always has done but she can do it in wolf form also, She isn't a lower rank wolf she is the alpha of Alphas," Old Quil explains.

"So she can command the pack like me?" Sam asked as Luna phased back and joined Sam's side." Yep, but I suspect she always could as she could calm any new wolf before you could and that was the first sign," Billy says with a proud smile." I'm officially a wolf girl now," Luna says with a bright smile.

"That you are, "Billy grins." Right, Anna and Charlie are coming home in three hours so let's get the house organised and ready for their homecoming, "Sue says grabbing everyone's attention.

Jasper, Bree, Emmett and Rosalie were away looking for houses so they weren't around at all today. Alec and Jane were helping Sue who has adopted them both into her family permanently.

"Sue, would you like me and Alec to help put these on the table?" Jane asked showing the plates."Yes please thank you," Sue smiles."Anything you want me to do?" Marcus spoke softly as he hugged Sue from behind.

"You can help put the decorations up and make a drink for everyone as Charlie and Anna will be here in half an hour," Sue smiles. Everyone gets the place organised and Charlie arrives with Anna and a surprise. Charlie brought the dogs out as he and Anna brought two little newborn babies out.

"Everyone this is Thea and Aria, our adopted daughters," Anna says softly. Luna smiled at this," Are they my new siblings?!" Luna says with a grin."Yes, we've recently adopted them that's why we are back so late," Charlie says with a smile." Aww congratulations you two, they are gorgeous," Sue coos over the babies.

Charlie and Anna notice Jane, Alec and Marcus all standing there." Who are you three?" Charlie asked politely." I'm Marcus, These are my kids, Jane and Alec," Marcus says with a smile." And Marcus is my partner," Sue announces carefully. Charlie smiles at her as does Anna," You deserve some happiness, Sue," Anna says with a grin.

The pack welcomed home two new baby girls." Umm, Dad?" Luna says gently." Yes, Luna?" Charlie says softly." You might want to give one of the girls to someone as I got something to show you," Luna says with a smile. Charlie passes Thea to Billy and Anna passes Aria to Sue.

Luna backs up and phases into her icy blue-white wolf and stands there." Wow look at you so beautiful," Charlie says as he approaches her. Charlie closes the distance," You're a wolf girl now," Charlie smiles.

Luna phrases back behind a tree and Charlie opens his arms and Luna hugs him." I missed you," Luna whispers." I missed you too kiddo," Charlie says with a smile.

"So anything I should know?" Charlie asks everyone." Bella and the Cullens have left Forks and left no forwarding addresses or contact numbers," Sam informs him. Charlie nods in understanding," No chance of them coming back?" Charlie questions." Oh definitely not," Luna smirks.

Charlie smiles and holds Luna and Thea close," Can I hold her?" Luna asked." Yeah here you go," Charlie says passing Thea over." Hi Thea, I'm Luna, your sister. You are in the best family going and you are going to be so loved, I promise," Luna says softly.

Charlie and Anna enjoyed their homecoming party with the pack now friends and family. Luna didn't see anything going bad and she saw a clear and happy future.

Chapter 29 is done ✔️ One more chapter left! Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Bree return to say goodbye for good🥺❤️

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A/N- I may do a sequel albeit a small book it will be 20 chapters long for Sam and Luna!!

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