🖤Chapter Twenty🖤

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Luna was tied to the back seat of the car as they headed to the airport to catch a plane to Italy."Let me out of this car you psychopaths! You do realise that you have broken the treaty now Alice by kidnapping an imprint and putting her in danger?! Especially the Alpha imprint?! " Luna yells out.

Alice winched knowing if Luna got injured or killed they'd be in for it. Bella scoffs" Yeah they'll hurt us when it means hurting a human being aka me!" She snarkily speaks.

They get to Italy and Alice takes a car and drives to Volterra they see people dressed in red and Alice tells Bella where to find Edward. Luna got dragged by Bella to where Edward was going to reveal himself. Bella stopped him just in time.

"Luna what are you doing here?! The pack is gonna kill us when we get back!" Edward yelled out in shock." What happened to your face?" He ask with a tilted look." Sam happened and yes you are gonna be in such big trouble all flipping three of you!" Luan shouted out.

She saw two Volturi guards appearing behind Edward, he told them that their services were no longer needed. The two guards told him Aro wanted to see him again, Edward tried to get Bella and Luna to go and enjoy the festival that was going on.

The guard grabbed Luna's hand," The girls are coming with us." He sternly spoke. Alice came in to stop the situation from going badly, "Now we don't want to cause a scene do we, boys!" She said sweetly. Luna saw a girl who looked no older than herself.

"No, we don't, Aro sent me to see what's taking so long." The girl spoke with authority. Edward introduced her as Jane and they all headed to the crown room to the three vampire Kings.

"Ah Jane we sent you to get one and you come back with four well done sister!" A boy who looks like Jane speaks. Luna sees the Kings and the Volturi guards. Aro sees her as do the others and feels a family bond to her." Hello little one who are you?"Aro asks coming to Luna.

"Hello Aro, I'm Luna, please to meet you," Luna smiles." May I see?"Aro asked." Sure," Luna nods and puts her hand into his and he sees her life and sees Luna's mate. He smiles brightly." I've never met one so young and so strong," Aro smiles." Thank you, Aro, please to meet you, sir," Luna nods lowly." Which one is Marcus?" Luna asked softly." I'm Marcus Volturi," Marcus says with a smile.

Luna walks up to him and hugged him." Thank you for your letter," Luna smiles." You are welcome," Marcus says with a smile." So that makes you Caius right?" Luna asked." I am, pleased to meet you, Luna. May I ask who did that to your face?" Caius wonders." My alpha imprint, but it was an accident," Luna says with a smile.

Luna walks around whilst Aro tries to see Bella but can't read a thing so they try Jane's power on her but Edward gets in the way and Bella decides to be a stupid idiot and makes Volturi kill her.

"Bella shut up  Aro can you please get on with telling the two ding-dongs that Bella is to be turned or killed I know your laws and you know you got to give them a chance to turn her or she dies," Luna smirks.

Aro, Caius, and Marcus were shocked to hear a ten-year-old girl make a statement so boldly yet honestly." Very well, as Miss Regins said you either turn her or we will kill her," Aro states.

"Aro? May we talk alone? Without them three in the room? It's important," Luna says with a look. Aro nods and tells two guards to take them to the waiting area.

"Now what do you want to talk about?"Aro asked." There's a battle coming up, Newborns and one of them is Jasper's true mate," Luna explains."I wanted you to see all of you so you understand she isn't like the rest and is tame," Luna says showing them Jasper's, true mate.

"But Alice is his mate?" Aro says." No, she lied to him and still is," Luna says gently."It's true Aro I see Jasper and this girl's bond is strong and Alice is lying brother," Marcus says.

"The feeding here must stop, no more children," Luna says with crossed arms." 18+ is fine but under that age no as you run the risk of accidentally turning a kid," Luna says."

That is fair which Demitri will relay to our guide now," Aro smiles and Demitri delivers the message. Demitri delivers the message to Heidi in time as she brings a tour group that contains children and he takes all the children back to the festival.

"I can show you my visions I've had and you'll see they've come true," Luna says and puts her hands on Aro's hands and he sees everything she has seen come true.

"Thank you for showing me, I hope you and your alpha have a happy life together," Aro smiles." Thank you, Aro, Marcus, and Caius for this Audience with you all," Luna bows lowly." No, it is you, we need to thank," Aro smiles.

"Can you promise that Jasper's true mate will never be harmed?" Luna asked." And no under eighteen to be fed upon?" Luna asked." We can promise this as we've seen nothing but the truth so that shall be rewarded," Aro smiles.

Alice, Bella, and Edward are brought back into the room and see Luna sitting with Marcus." Now we've sorted out the issues You may go and make your preparations now. Note we don't give out second chances. You should leave now all of you as I doubt Luna will want to see us have our meal now would she?"Aro said ominously.

Luna bowed to the Volturi before leaving She saw tourists who were all adults and no children heading for the throne room and covered her ears knowing what was to come.

The two Swans and Cullens went home, Luna got back and saw Charlie, Anna, and Sam waiting for her as Alice dropped her off, Charlie and Anna were fuming with Bella as she kidnapped Luna and dragged her to an unknown place.

Luna ran to Charlie and hugged him tightly" I'm so sorry, I didn't want to go She grabbed me and took me. I didn't miss it did I?" She rambled out quickly.

She ran to Sam," I'm here and I'm safe!" She told Sam reassuringly." In gonna kill them, Cullens," Sam growled." Calm down," Luna says softly.

Charlie was just happy to have Luna home again and he was glad Sam was around for Luna. Luna would need Sam more than ever now as Harry's funeral was tomorrow and he didn't want her to be alone as Harry was one of her mentors.

Chapter twenty is done ✔️ Aro and Luna have met! Aro kept a promise!

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Ready for the Newborn army battle?

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