🐾Chapter Thirty🐾

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It's been three weeks since Charlie has returned and Jasper along with Bree, Emmett and Rosalie returned to see the new babies. Charlie learns who Alec, Jane and Marcus are but accepts them and their past. He has yet to meet Bree and see the remaining Cullens again.

Luna was at the pack house with just Sam as everyone was allowed to be with their imprints since danger was no longer around but they stayed guarded. Jasper and his little family arrived at the pack house." Hey Luna, Sam," Jasper says politely." Hey Jazz, Em, Rosa, Bree come on in," Luna grins." We have something to discuss with you," Jasper says with a smile.

"Okay, what is it?" Luna says sitting with them as Sam joins her." We are leaving Forks and the reservation for good as we want a proper fresh start," Jasper says softly. Luna felt sad," You're leaving? All of you?" Luna says with a soft look." Yes, we all want to start anew, not that we haven't loved it here, we just want to be able to live in a place where no one has seen us before so we are leaving," Rosalie says with a smile.

Luna nods in understanding," I get that, I do. It's just a shock to hear, but please let us throw you a goodbye party and we hope you come back and visit us all," Luna says and hugs Jasper," Of course we will, Luna. I suppose we can have one last hurrah before we leave here," Emmett winks. Luna giggles and hugs Emmett, Bree and Rosalie.

The pack got the pack house ready for a send-off party for Jasper and Bree, Emmett and Rosalie." Now we have all come to say goodbye to Jasper, Emmett, Bree and Rosalie who have decided that they want to travel go down a different path and start anew," Sam says raising a glass towards the four." I hope you all find happiness and that you will always come back home," Luna says with a smile.

Everyone raised their glass cheering them," I know I haven't had the best relationship with everyone here but I'm so happy that we have become the greatest friends," Emmett grins." I second my brother in law comment and I want to say I hope you will welcome us home if we wish to return," Jasper says with a smile.

"Hi I just wanted to say if it wasn't for you Luna, I wouldn't be standing here so thank you, you saved me and I'll never not be grateful to you," Bree says with a smile. Rosalie stood up next," Well I am grateful for this pack and my newfound family and friends. We will come back to say hello and hopefully, we'll have expanded our small family one day," Rosalie says with a smile.

"I want to thank Luna for helping us become human again so thank you, Luna," Rosalie says with a smile. Everyone stood up one by one and said their little piece to Emmett, Rosalie, Bree and Jasper. The celebrations went on and Jasper and Luna had a little dance to say goodbye to one another.

The next day, the pack, Charlie, Marcus and the imprints helped Rosalie, Emmett, Bree and Jasper with moving out and putting their things away." Can't believe that we are leaving," Emmett says looking at the reservation and the Cullen house." It's time to move on all of you," Luna says.

"This will be good for you, I promise and Rosalie, you will have kids but not yet," Luna says with a soft smile." Thank you and I hope we do meet again," Rosalie says with a soft nod." Oh, we will," Luna grins. Rosalie and Luna hug as do Emmett and Luna before they leave. Bree and Luna say goodbye to one another. Jasper and Luna hugged for a long time." See you around Cowboy," Luna says with a smile." See you around my little Seer," Jasper says softly.

Luna phases into her icy blue-white wolf and watches them leave she howls announcing their departure and a bunch of howling resonates through the woods as the four leave. Luna ran home and Sam was waiting for her." I'm not going away ever Luna," Sam says nudging her. The two watch the sun go down and Luna leans into Sam's body." This land belongs to the wolves now," Luna says with a smile.


Chapter 30 is done ✔️ Luna and Sam's story is done for now? Rosalie, Bree, Emmett and Jasper are gone to start anew. Everyone got their happy ending 🥺❤️

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