🙊Chapter four🙊

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Luna was with Sam as Charlie was dealing with Edward and the Cullens because Edward broke into Luna's room."Luna, we have to go to the Cullen's house I'm going with you we all are as I'm not okay with them meeting without us is that okay?" Sam says."I'm not comfortable, but I'm okay with the fact you three are coming with me. But why are we going there?" Luna asked shyly.

"Apparently the Cullens want to apologize for Edwards's behavior and he has been given the warning to stay away from you." Sam mutters unhappily."He was trying to look in my book of the new wolves and this coven called the Volturi." Luna says pointing to her book." Don't worry we'll deal with them." Paul smiles.

The pack heads off to the Cullen house with Charlie there waiting for them." Hi Charlie." Luna smiles and runs to him and he hugs her. Sam stands by their side as do Jared and Paul. Carlise opens the door to see Charlie, Luna, Paul, Sam and Jared standing there." Chief Swan, Luna, boys come in please." Carlise says politely. The five enter the house and Luna grips Sam's hand in fear of the place Sam picks her up and holds her close.

"Please sit down so we can talk." Carlise says as the Cullens gather." I'm not happy that your seventeen almost eighteen-year-old was in my foster Daughter's room while she was asleep and going through her things. I want him to stay away from my house and if I catch him in my girl's rooms again I will shoot him." Charlie says with a firm and clear warning.

"We understand, we apologize for Edward's behavior." A woman with brown hair talks." Esme is right, we apologize very much and I'm sure Edward will make things right." Carlise says looking at Edward." I'm truly sorry, Chief Swan, Luna for breaking into your home and your room and looking in your things." Edward says with a small smile.

A girl with a pixie haircut comes around and sees Luna." Hi, I'm Alice, want to come and be my friend." Alice smiles." No." Luna replies griping Sam tightly.

Sam sends a glare at Alice, Jasper looks at Luna and she looks at him she tilts her head sees his future, and smiles at the shy Hale.

A big beefy lad and a blonde girl came and saw the pack and Luna." So why are these three here and her?" Rosalie asked." Edward broke into my room and looked through my things." Luna mutters.

Rosalie looked at Edward." What is wrong with you?! Seriously she is a child and you were in her room you creep!" Rosalie slaps Edward across the face."Dude that's just not okay." Emmett says with a grossed-out look." Carlise I respect you but if you don't keep him away from my house I will shoot him on sight." Charlie says firmly." We will keep him from your house." Carlise nods and Charlie leaves with Luna.

The pack waited till Charlie and Luna were outside. Sam steps forward," This is your only warning stay away from her. She is pack-protected and if you or Bella drag her into your world she gets harmed. I will render that treaty null and void and rip your heads off. She isn't a part of your world and never will be." Sam firmly tells them." Agreed won't happen again." Carlise says with a small smile.

"If I catch him anywhere near the house I will rip him to pieces and burn the body. That house is neutral grounds now but it's ours mostly understand?" Sam says sternly. The Cullens all nod in agreement and the pack leave. Luna stood waiting for Sam." Sam can we go meet the rest of the reservation kids? Like Jake?" Luna asked." Of course, if Charlie is okay with it?" Sam grins.

Luna looks at Charlie who nods," Luna I got a meeting with Rob later to see how you are getting on. I was wondering how you'd feel about me adopting you and you staying here with me and Sam permanently?" Charlie wonders. Luna's eyes widened." Yes please!!!" Luna squeals happily.

Luna headed to Billy's House to see Jake, Embry, and Quil." Hiya Luna, good to see you again." Billy smiles." Is Jake here?" Luna asked with a smile. Billy nods and directs her to where Jake is." JAKE!" Luna shouts and Jake shows his face.

"Hey, Luna nice to see you again come meet Embry and Quil." Jake says taking Luna's hand." Guys this is Luna, Luna this is Embry and Quil." Jake introduces the trio to one another.

Luna played video games with the lads whilst Billy, the pack, and the Quileute Tribe council were discussing the issues about Luna's prophecies, the Cullens issue, and when would be the right time for her to learn everything.

"You were right Sam, she is a prophet or as we call her a seer which means she'll see everything that happens or that could happen. So keep telling her to draw what she sees. As for the two wolves, one is Jake but the second one I have no idea." Billy says.

"As for this coven of vampires, they are the Volturi. Law keepers or kings if you will of the vampire world. She has drawn Aro, Marcus, and Caius Volturi the three heads of the Volturi. If she is seeing them, it must be for a reason take it as a warning." Harry says.

"As for the Cullens, we will get the treaty changed and put the Swan house on pack lands as we don't want them interfering with Luna. She must stay away from them at all costs." Old Quil says.

The pack nodded in thanks and Luna came in with Jake, Embry, and Quil for lunch." Billy, can I have something to eat?" Luna asked nicely." Sure what would you like?" Billy asked." Can I make pizza for everyone?" Luna asked." Yeah as long as someone helps you." Billy smiles." I'll help Luna." Jake smiles.

Luna starts to make the dough for the pizza whilst Jake gets the pizza toppings. Seth Clearwater and Leah Clearwater arrived with Sue." Hi Sue!" Luna waves as she is covered in flour." Hi Luna, you having fun there?" Sue smiles.

"Yeah." Luna giggles and Sam smiles at Luna's playfulness. Luna throws flour at Sam who is shocked he gets flour bombed the pack, Luna, Jake, Embry, Quil, Seth, and Leah all start to have a food fight and the adults all laugh at them all.

Luna and Jake finally cooked the pizzas for everyone and Luna was covered in tomatoes and flour as was everyone else. Charlie arrived to see pizza had been made and everybody was covered in flour and tomatoes.

"Looks like a bomb went off in here." Charlie chuckles." Charlie, I made pizza with Jake want a slice or two?" Luna asked with a cheeky grin." Yeah, go on then." Charlie says with a smile.

Luna goes and gives Charlie two pieces of pizza that have cheese, tomatoes, and pepperoni on them." This is yummy Lune I love it." Charlie says with a smile. Sam was happy to have Luna in his life as she made every day better. Luna headed home after saying goodbye to everyone.

Luna headed for a bath, and she put a movie on for her. She looked out the window to see Jared Wolf standing there on patrol. She opened her window and Jared trotted forward and she smiled at him.

"Hi wolfie, Are you watching over me tonight?" Luna asked with a smile. Jared wolf nodded up and down indicating he was staying to protect her." I'm coming down wait there." Luna says putting her hat and coat on. She goes outside and sits on the porch and Jared joins her side.

The two watched the stars together and Luna fell asleep next to Jared. Jared curled his body around her and lay with her all night long. Charlie woke up to see Luna gone and went to the porch to see she had fallen asleep. He picked her up took her to bed and kissed her forehead goodnight.

Jared howled into the night sky signaling to Sam and Paul that Luna was safe and sound. Sam and Paul howled back and Jared left the Swan house to do patrol.

Chapter four is done ✔️ Luna has met everyone now apart from Brady and Colin. Embry is phasing soon and he'll imprint the next day on his crush. Paul imprints the same day.


1. How was the chapter?
2. How was the meeting with everyone?
3. Who is excited for Luna to learn about the wolf's secret?
4. Who is excited for everyone to phase?
5. Who wants more fluff scenes between Sam and Luna?

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