❤️‍🔥Chapter Twenty-Eight❤️‍🔥

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Sam and Luna were running and Sam phased and Luna phased into a beautiful icy blue-white wolf with a diamond marking on her forehead as she jumped and landed on all fours.

Like this-

"Luna?" Sam says and Luna looks around to see Sam there and she imprints on him

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"Luna?" Sam says and Luna looks around to see Sam there and she imprints on him."Sam?" Luna says." Hi, come on let's test your wolf's speed," Sam says nudging her." Let's go!" Luna giggles and the two run riot in the woods.

The pack joins their alpha and Luna for a run leaving the imprints to enjoy some time with the new friends." This is so much fun!! I love being a wolf girl!!" Luna howls and the pack all howl alongside her and the howls resonate through the reservation.

"I can see everything again!" Luna says happily." Ready to phase back?" Sam asked." How do I do that and I'm going to be naked?!" Luna says." We'll get you some clothes," Jacob says and phases back behind a tree and exits dressed.

Jacob runs to Charlie's house and grabs Luna's clothes and he sees Charlie and Anna are due back tomorrow night with the dogs. He quickly runs back to Luna and Sam," Here you go Lune, you can go behind the tree there," Jacob explains.

Luna takes the clothes and Sam guides her to her human form." I'm dressed, Do I have to cut my hair?" Luna asked with a smile." Kind of sorry kiddo," Paul smirks." Dang it," Luna grumbles.

Luna heads home with the pack and Rachel cuts Luna's hair to her shoulders and styles it." This is our lives forever now, and no one is ever going to disturb this peace as I know Aro isn't going to come back around," Luna smiles happily.

"Thank you for giving us our lives back," Alec says with a smile." That's the first time I've seen you properly smile, it suits you," Luna says with a smile." Thanks, I plan to smile more now," Alec says with a smile.

"Me and Emmett are planning on moving away with Jasper and Bree but we'll leave forwarding addresses," Rosalie announces with a smile.

"I think we all have plans for the future and I know we are all going to have amazing lives and stay friends/family forever," Seth says with a smile." Oh, we will, We all know too much about each other to leave each other alone," Luna giggles.

"Charlie and Anna are coming home tomorrow, so are we ready for that?" Jared asked." Yeah but someone gonna have to explain what happened to Bella?" Luna says with a grimace." Could just say she left with Cullens," Jane shrugs.

"Could do and say they never left a forwarding address or a new number, "Paul nods."That's what we'll stick with, agreed?" Sam asked everyone who nodded in agreement.

The pack had a quiet but enjoyable evening of no Bella, no Cullens, and no drama. Luna leaned into Sam's arms and he held her close and she fell asleep in his arms.


Chapter 28 is done ✔️  Luna has phased into an icy blue-white wolf with a diamond marking on her forehead!! The pack is all settled and extremely happy.

The last two chapters contain Charlie and Anna's homecoming, the moving on from Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Bree.

How was this chapter?

Sad to see this story end?

Do we want a second book?

Do we like Luna's wolf?

A/N- Her Wolf will be explained next chapter!

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