Ch. {1}

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Selena's POV

"SELENA WE'RE LEAVING" my mom shouts as I just close my last suitcase. I look around in my empty room one last time then get all my bags and go down where my mom is standing with her stuff waiting for me.

"Im ready mom" I say smiling looking at everything for the last time before we leave to the airport.

"good lets go" she says as she takes her bags and walks out the door. It's happening..... I take my purple suitcase and leave to the car.

"mom will it be better in LA ?" I ask as I look at her while she is putting all the stuff in the trunk.

"I really hope so honey" she says closing the trunk and finally sits to the drivers seat. For few minutes we just sat in the car just looking at our house. it was the last time we would ever see it since we are moving to LA. Finally mom started the car and we were off to the airport.

* * *

For hours we drove until about 4 pm we finally reaced the airport. It was huge and many people were going in and out.

"you ready honey" my mom says, taking my hand and looking at me. I just stare at the airport and slowly nodd but really Im not ready. I grew up in Texas and I have lived pretty much my whole life here and now .... im leaving it ...forever.

"lets go" I finally speak up as i open the door and leave the car. We get our luggage in the trunk then walk in the airport where probably 30 people were standing in line waiting to the girls at the desk to take their luggage.

"mom this is gonna take forever" I whine out as mom was taking out our passport and tickets.

"hun just be patient it will go fast" she says. ugh I hate waiting specially in a long line.

* * *

"want me to take that ma'me" I suddenly hear a female voice asking making me snap out of my thoughts. My mom was right it was fast.

"oh um... yeah sure" I said handing her my suitcase than moving to the left with my backpack and my phone.

"thank you miss" the woman says again as mom takes back our passport than we leave to the actual airport where all the shops are. ITS HUGE.!!!

Justin's POV

"Imma beat you this time man" my main man Ryan says trying sooo hard to beat me in Fifa.

"dude I always win" I say smirking taking it easy as Ryan is all serious trying so hard to beat me.

"JUSTIN TALK TO ME IN THE KITCHEN" I suddenly hear my mom shout making me pause the game.

"DUDE!" Ryan yells throwing the controler on the floor pissed. I just laugh and walk down stairs to the kitchen were my mom is standing with a pizzabox and my underwear.

"hey mom" I say smiling like nothing is going on making her looking at me with the 'seriously' face.

"Justin what is this" she says holding up my white 'Calvin Klein' underwear making me smirk.

"my underwear" I say trying so hard not to laugh.

"and what are they doing on the table" she says all serious. mom can be soooo annoying sometimes specially when it comes to mess in the house which is usually MY mess.

"i don't know mom" I say looking at her pissed face.

"I have told you million times Justin don't leave your mess on the table" she says as she throws me the underwear as I catch them laughing and walking away.

"CAN WE BEGIN AGAIN" Ryan yells out right when I step into my room. Making me laugh hard.

"dude calm down you know your not gonna beat me" I say throwing the underwear on my chair as I sit back down on my bed pressing 'play' again and we start.

* *
For about 2 hours we were playing until we finally finished as I WON!!! AGAIN! making Ryan pissed asf.

"NOOOO THIS ISN'T FAIR YOU CHEATER" he yells out putting his hands in his hair and pulling as I laugh hard standing up celebrating my victory once again.

"I told you man I would win" I say still kinda laughing. He just looks at me pissed then at his watch.

"man i have to go" he says standing up and walking out my room. ALONE AT LAST. I lay down looking up at the seeling until I hear noices coming from next door so I quickly sit up and take a peak out the window seeing moving trucks pulling in. COME ONE THERE IS SOMEONE MOVING NEXT DOOR. i just pray to god there will be a hot chick.

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