Ch {25}

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*4 months later (A/N sorry for skipping nothing really interresting happens until now)*

Selena's POV

"1...2...3" I said holding his hand tight as we walk back to school down the halls after a long summer vication.

"Hey JB" they said

"Wassup" some said but what really caught my atention was .... Kim's pregnant belly. Since when was she pregnant and who the hell is the father.

"Hey Justin" she said once she got closer to us well closer to Justin like really really close to him she could easily kiss him.

"Ehm.. Hey Kim"he said awkwardly making me feel a little jealous.

"Whats with the belly Kim?" I asked curiously seeing her smile wider just staring at Justin's nervous face.

"Oh yeah i forgot to tell you Justin im pregnant with your baby" she confidently said walking away leaving me shocked with Justin. How could he... I slowly turned to Justin breaking my hand free from his just looking at him really surprised and hurt.

"Selena look its not what it looks like" he said trying to grab my hand but i back away not able to speak.

"Just leave me alone" i said with tears filling up my eyes as i run to the girls bathroom crying my eyes out.

Justin's POV

"SELENA" I yell while running after her but it was to late she dissapeared into the girls bathroom.

"You okay Justy" a familar voice said behind me making me turn around letting out sight as I slided down the wall putting my hands through my hair.

"Leave me alone Kim" i said pissed off with tears filling up my eyes as I hear Selena cry........ Im so fucking stupid. Just as I was about to say something the bathroom door open reviling Selena with her make up all messed up.

"Selena please let me just explain" I said grabbing her arm before she could run away from me.

"Noo Justin you dont have to explain I already know and we are done" she said breaking free and running away leaving me there with tears stream down from my eyes.

"Oh cheer up Justy shes a slut anyways and besides we have our baby to raise" Kim says making me get so fucking angry.

"NO IM DONE KIM IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THE BABY THAN KEEP IT BUT I AINT GONNA BE ITS FATHER I LOVE SELENA" I yelled before running out of school straight into my car and drove off to Selena's house.

"Selena please answer I need to talk to you" I said banging on her door over and over again waiting for her to answer.

"Fine but if i let you talk will you leave me alone" She said making me let out a sight as I nodded even tho she couldn't see it.

"Yes just please" I said before the door swung open showing beautiful Selena with tears in her eyes.

"Come in" she said walking back in the house with me following like a lost puppy.

"Selena see the thing is that ... i actually banged her when we were over i was angry and sad and needed something to fill the whole in my heart I know now that that way wasnt a way" I explained sitting down on the couch next to crying Selena.

"Im so sorry" I said hugging her feeling her slowly hug back as she continued crying on my shoulder.

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