Ch {46}

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Selena's POV

As the door slammed i instantly woke up jumping up as I reached for the clock seeing 1:30 am..

"Justin?" i asked tiredly hearing him groan as he walked into the room shirtless with his hair all messed up.

"Justin?" i said once again seeing him look at me with his angry puffy eyes which means he has been crying.. I slowly stood up walking closer to him but he just backed away.

"Selena dont" he finally said but i didnt listen i got closer grabbing his face into my hands looking straight into his guilty eyes....

"What did you do?" I asked seeing him look at me with tears in eyes as he let out a sight as he sat down making me feel nervous.

"I .... Nothing I was just thinking" he said but i could tell he was lying everytime he lies he scratches the back of his neck which he was doing right now.

"If you say so but are you ok?" I asked worried seeing him lightly smile as he stood up right infront of me puting his hands on my back as he pressed me closer slowly pressing his lips on mine.

"I love you so much" he said making me lightly smile as I hugged him thight feeling his heart beat fast.. Why was he so nervous.

"I love you too" I said kinda suspicious.... I could smell the perfume on him and his hair was all messed up... Could he really cheat on me???  ......

Justin's POV

Shes getting suspicious and me being so obvious isnt really helping at all. My heart is beating faster im sweating like crazy and i could even smell that i had perfume....

"Justin?" She asked making me look down breathing quickly really really nervous... She cant know this she just cant i cant lose her i dont want to.... EVER....

"Yes?" I said starting to stutter as she pulled away with tears in her eyes making me wanna cry... Why the fuck did i cheat on her ? Im so stupid!!!

"Why do you smell like perfume ?" She said backing away oh god she knows somehow she knows FUCK

"I ehm meat a old friend and she hugged me hehe" i said chuckling nervously feeling her stare at me really hurt.

"Justin im not stupid" she said making me look up letting out a sight as tears slipped out from her eyes breaking my heart to million pieces i hate seeing her cry specially if its because of me.

"Selena i can explain" i said seeing her roll her eyes as she shights turning around taking her clothes as she starts to pack them down making me wanna cry as I grabbed her arm turning her around.

"No Justin go away i dont even wanna look at you HOW COULD YOU" she yelled starting to cry trying to break loose but I push her down on the bed with me on top holding her hands above her head.

"Just listen to me Selena" I said staring at her as she shook her head trying to kick me off and get loose but i didnt budge.

"Nooo go away" she yelled making me sight as a tear slipped out of my eyes falling down to the floor as i turned around and walked away

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