Ch {5}

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Justin's POV

I finally get home after spending hours with Selena talking and laughing and let me tell ya she is PERFECT.

"hey mom im back"I yell as I walk in my house but I get no reply. I look everywere but it seemed no one was home so i went to my room and turned on the tv until i heard a buzzing noice so I get up and see I has 19 missed calls , 5 from Ryan, 4 from Chaz and 10 from my mom so I decited to call her back before the 10 missed calls will turn into 30.

"Justin!?" my mom practicly yells in my ear worried and made me almost have a heart attach.

"Jesus mom calm down im fine" i say holding my hand on my chest feeling my heart beating.

"where the hell were you!?" she yelled again making me pull the phone a little from my ear so I wouldn't go depth.

"at Selena's sorry i forgot my phone and I was just hanging with Selena" I said smiling while walking up to my room.


"mom stop yelling Im fine" i say as i peak through my window and see Selena laughing in her lap top making me smile.

"well then Im shopping but i will be home soon and you better prepare for a yelling" she said kina angry.

"I already have been yelled at" I mumble.

"what" my mom says pissed. gosh i wasn't gone that long was I? I still stare through the window at Selena talking to someone in her laptop and laughing.

"nothing see ya mom love ya" I said as I hung up before she could say anything else. God this woman.

"stop staring Justin" a angel voice said making me snap out of my thoughts seeing Selena at her window smiling.

"sorry" I say laughing making her blush and laugh. Then she shakes her head, turns around and goes back to her computer. Finally I took my eyes off her as I went down stairs to the kitchen and ate some pizza.

Selena's POV

"is he cute" Taylor says giggling making me giggle too and blush. he was cute tho.

"yeah but hes always watching me through his window" I say laughing as I look at my window seeing him stare.

"like right now .. hold on" I say as I put my lap tob to the side and walk up to my window.

"stop staring Justin" I say smiling and blushing a little just hoping he doesn't see when I blush.

"sorry" he says laughing making my cheeks burn red as I laugh. He was adorable when he was being a stalker hehe. I just shake my head then turn around and go back to skyping Taylor.

"sorry he was creepin up on me" I say as she laughs.

"oh yeah then why did I hear you laugh" she says putting her hands on her chest and looking at me with her 'really' look and smiling.

"cuz he..... cuz I ...... cuz hes funny" I say blushing while looking down making Taylor laughing so hard.

"oh honey you should see you right now... priceless" she says laughing more.

"not funny" I say looking down trying not to smile but It was impossible so I finally gave in and smiled.

"yes it is but bestie I have to go now see ya babe luv you" she says blowing me kisses as I do the same

"miss u and love you tay tay" I say before she ends the chat. I put my lap tob to the side and let my self fall on the bed looking up at the seeling thinking about Justin...wait why? O.O why am I thinking about Justin.....?

"SELENA!!" my mom shouts from down stairs interrupting my thoughts .. Thank you mom!!!

"IM COMING" i shout back as I run down stairs and into the kitchen were I see my mom talking to a tall guy with a dirty brown hair... Justin. He turns around smiling at me.

"hey Selly" he says making me laugh.

"a new nickname for me Bieber" I say smiling as I blush and my mom looking at us over excited.

"mom" I say looking at her with ' go away' look. She just nodds then leaves the kitchen leaving me and Justin alone .

"I just came over cause I wanted to show you my special place" he says winking at me.

"oh um sure hold on" I say grabbing my bra on the chair beside me making him looking at me with his eyes popping out of his skull. I run to my room, put on my bra then put my hair into a messy bun and go in my pink converse shoes then run back down stairs were he is still standing looking at me and checking me out a lil making me giggle.

"stop checking me out" I say as he smirkis then we leave.

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