Ch {31}

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Selena's POV

"Miss Gomez your late" mrs. Perry says looking at me with a question mark making me feel embarrassed as I zipped up Justin's sweater all the way up while walking to my seat trying to fix my hair with everyone staring at me.

"Andd mister Bieber glad you decided to come"  Mrs. perry says making me look at the door seeing Justin smiling with his messed up hair walking to the seat behind me making me smile.

"Psst psst psst Selena" i heard him whisper feeling his warm breath on my neck making me bite my lip as I slowly turned around seeing him wiggle his eye brows.

"What" i whispered back giggling a little seeing him smirk as he pointed down at the sweater making me look down seeing that the zipper had got down a little so my bra was showing a little.

"Its your fault" i whispered glaring at him seeing him chuckle.

"Ms. gomez mr. Bieber is there something you wanna tell the whole class?" Mrs. perry said making me turn around seeing her glare at us.

"Nope" Justin said cutting me off making me giggle a little.

"Good now on to the- mrs perry started but got cut off by the bell making me giggle again as I stood up getting my stuff and rushing out with Justin behind me.

"gotcha" I hear him say as he wraps his arms around me and swings me around causing me to giggle as he lets me down and i turn around wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey" I said smiling seeing him smirk as he pecked my lips.

"Hey there sexy" he said making me blush as I giggled and rolled my eyes hearing him chuckle as he grabbed my butt causing me to gasp.

"Justin Drew Bieber" I said making him chuckle again as he squeezed it but before i could say anything he pressed his plum lips agenst mine.

"Mister Bieber and miss gomez" mr. Griffin said making me giggle as we both turn to the side where mr.griffin stood and looked at us.

"Mr Griffin wassup" Justin said making me wanna laugh but i held it in by biting my lip.

"Theres a storm coming and I have been informed that no one can leave this school until it gets better" mr. Griffin says making my eyes widen as I looked at Justin worried and kinda scared.

"But... If its gonna be all night?" I asked feeling Justin grab my hand and squeezes it making me feel safer.

"Than you'll have to stay here for the night" mr. griffin says before walking away leaving me and Justin worried.

"Justin" I said turning around seeing him sight as he ran his hand through his brown hair...........

"Dont worry Sel its probably gonna be alright" he said hugging me making me smile a little as i rest my head on his hard ass chest.

"I love you" I said looking up at him as I peck his lips feeling him smile as he held me tighter and pressed his lips agenst mine once again but this time it was longer and more passionate.

"I love you too babygirl" he said hugging me once again making me smile as I kissed his chest.

Justin's POV

It has already been 4 hours since we were informed we cant leave this hell whole and the storm is only getting worse. I can tell Selena is worried and scared but im gonna protect her no metter what...

"Justin" she says looking up at me making me smile a little as I put my fingers through her long dark hair.

"Shhh go back to sleep baby" I said kissing her forehead making her blush as she sits up and kisses my cheek.

"Im not sleepy anymore how long was i out?" She asked confused looking around.

"About 2 hours" I said putting my hand around her as she rests her head on my shoulders smiling making me smile. When she smiles I smile.... ( A/N see what i did there 😏)

"Wow wait where is everyone why are we the only two at the library" she asked confused.

"Everyone went to different class room and shit" I said hearing her giggle as she grabbed my face in her soft palms and pressed her lips agenst mine.

"Can we go to gym?" She asked giggling while biting her lip making me smirk as I slowly nod pulling my heavy body up and helping her light perfect body up.

"Leggo" I said grabbing her hand and running with her to gym class where she quickly pulled her hand away grabbed a basketball and started shooting it into the basket.

"Oh really" I asked getting closer hearing her giggle as I put my arms around her starting to kiss her neck causing her to moan lightly and drop the ball.

"Justin we're in school" she said making me chuckle as I continued hearing her moan once again.

"fuck school" I said and before i know it she turned around quickly jumping into my arms wrapping her legs around my torso and her hands around my neck pressing her lips roughly agenst mine making me smile.

"Screw you" she said before pressing her lips on mine once again while playing with my hair making me smirk as I held her butt.

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