Hey wassup, this is my first attempt at a story about you and Loona in the HelluvaBoss series... Enjoy!
Bio: Y/N is 24 y/o black man with a REAL complicated life and backstory. He grew up never knowing both his parents, he had to learn to survive in...
A/N: The moment you've been waiting for is here...I'm not gonna bore you with the introduction man, let's just get right to this whooping!!
It's close to nighttime, about 20 mins till darkness, a portal is seen opening up as you pop your head out looking around to make sure no one sees this. You step out and within a few seconds, you realize your home in your backyard that faces part of downtown.
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After you fully stepped out you were relieved to see that nothing has changed to your former living residence. You start to walk in as remember a lot in your home.
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You see you your bed is still a bit of a mess like always, that stupid alarm clock that bitch got you instead of a pair of Jordan 4s is still there and not yet broken, and as you make your way around your house you come to the very spot where you died...your kitchen floor. You stare down at the still somewhat fresh blood puddle...to be fair you did die three days ago...You see the broken coffee table where you threw Agent 2 into, the shattered glass where you dropkicked Agent 1 into and to the left side of your eye, you spot a spent shell casing on the floor...the same one that was used to kill you that night. As you picked up the shell a faint sound is heard...sounds like glass breaking. You quickly turn off the lights to your home as you reach for your handgun from your old mob/gang days.
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A/N: Your weapon is a FN 509 Midsize Tactical with an RMS red dot sight mounted on the slide.
Back to you we see you start moving slowly throughout your house as you search for that sound you heard.