S4 ep. 15 A hop, a skip, and a PUNCH away!

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A/N: So your really about to do some snooping out on your own reader? Without anybody? Why the hell do I participate in this shit?

Y/N: Ya don't!

A/N: Got a whole rest of the story that can say otherwise!

Onto the story!

[View opens in on you waking up around 2:30 in the morning]

Y/N: (yawning)

Y/N: I need more information about this shit man!

You started slowly getting up out of your bed throwing on a hoodie, sweatpants and boots. You weren't taking this lightly as you reached for your taser tucking it into your waistband.

[beep beep]

[beep beep]

[beep beep]

Y/N: (stunned gaze) The fuck is that??

You started looking around your room for where that beeping was coming from and finally traced it to underneath your bed. You reached and saw it was one of your old mini alarm clocks. Not really caring for it you crushed it in your right hand letting the pieces fall to the floor.

Y/N: Anymore distractions??

[Phone vibrates]

Y/N: (groaning) Now I know damn well...

You see that Blitzo was calling you at 2:30 in the morning. You neglected to decline the call letting it ring further. If you did decline early, then Blitzo would've know you were awake.

Y/N: (growing impatience) Any time now...!

[Time skip 15 mins]

You were asleep again from the boredom of waiting for your phone to subside its morning noise. You then woke up again now a bit annoyed.

Y/N: Damn you Blitzo....(muttering) and your morning call!

You stretched yourself awake and went to your fridge looking for something to drink.

Y/N: Beer, beer, alcohol, Loona's drink, shit....ah-ha, strawberry juice!


Y/N: (checking the time) I need to get a move on while I got this opportunity!

You wasted no time moving, leaving your apartment and going out. You started walking tucking your hands into your hoodie and looking behind you to make sure you weren't spotted. The temperature was around 38 degrees Fahrenheit, so you weren't really favoring the morning cold for this mission.

[Time skip 10 mins]

You've arrived back to that sign that was a marker to you. You started looking around for potential threats a.k.a. Yenxyn's guards. Once being in the clear you started walking to the outlines of Pride and keeping quiet.

Y/N: (thinking) Let's see what I can find, but if somebody tries me, they getting they ass whooped!!

As you started to venture deep, we go to Blitzo who was a bit bothered that you didn't pick up the phone to answer him.

Blitzo:....It really went to a voicemail huh?? Uuuuugh, your killing me kid!

Blitzo: (seething annoyance) Bet ya, if I was Loonie oooooh-ho hooo you'd pick up right away...!

Blitzo: (petty tone) You dick!

Blitzo then got up from the couch dusting himself off a bit from the crumbs laying on him. He then placed both his hands on his hips and arrogantly stared at the fridge telling his now justified motive.

The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now