S2 ep. 6 Murder Family! [Part 2 Finale]

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A/N: Aaahhh yes...reader, didn't see ya there. I can see your standing there with your arms crossed wondering why your adventure was cut short last chapter. Yeah yeah I know, but you get to kill in this chapter, so its a win win right??...no...yes...you gonna say something?? 

Ughhhhh....On to the story.

Y/N's POV, we just got through the portal and were out in the woods in God knows where looking up on a hill at a home...I guess that's where the target is.

You see Blitzo and Moxxie make their hide in a bush as Blitzo peaks his head into the window as he says.

Blizto: That's got to be her (starts laughing) ooohh this is too easy.

He then turns to Moxxie with a smile asking him if he wants the hit lead on this...bad idea!

Blitzo: Moxxie...do you want this one?

Moxxie: Me??! (with a hopeful face)

Blitzo: Yeah...this one is simple enough for you to handle.

We then see you and Millie come around the other side of the house as you ask her this.

Y/N: So how many people we killing?

Millie: Just one!

Y/N:...And we need 4 people for that??

Millie turns to you with a smile as she grabs both of your cheeks and says.

Millie: The more the merrier!!!

She then let's go and you both soon meet Blitzo and Moxxie.

Moxxie:...WAIT???!!!...Are we actually killing a family??!!!

You begin to see Mox panic as you say in an annoyed tone.

Y/N:(Annoyed) No shit fool...it's the job!!

Blitzo: Don't be a puss...it's just a mother.

Blizto begins to take aim at the Ho as he says this with an ominous half grin.

Blitzo: we're ruining a family!!

A/N: How the hell did NONE of the family see an IMP with a gun pointing at them??? Not even the sniper flash since Blitzo has a sniper optic on his rifle....wow what a family.

Moxxie: But hold on hold on let's just think about it...

Moxxie then moves the rifle out the away causing Blitzo to miss the target as you see a confused Blitzo, a nervous Moxxie, and scared Millie.

We go to the family who just witnessed it and are in shock.

Family: (gasps)

The Ho: What was that Ralphie??

Ralphie: I don't know Martha...but whatever it is...they're gon be tomorrow night's dinner!!

they're gon be tomorrow night's dinner!!

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The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now