S4 ep. 14 Unhappy Campers! [Finale]

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A/N: Here we are.....A WEEK LATER at camp, (disappointing exhale)....gahdamn!

To the story!

Your Pov: 

A whole week now has passed for this hit under Moxxie's lead and man, this is just pitiful! A whole fuckin week....on the same grounds.....to kill some fucker that camps on them. Moxxie is starting to lose his grip on this mission.

Millie:...MOX! MOX! You'll never believe it!

Millie: They want me to perform on stage for the local news!

Millie: They want me to perform on stage for the local news!

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Millie: All those videos kind of made me....a human celebrity! 

Moxxie then having enough of it finally loses his shit, starting to go off on Millie.

Moxxie: (pissed jealously tone) All week it's been "Oh look at MILLERD, isn't he great?", "Oh look how talented Millerd is!"

Moxxie: WE have a JOB to do, and your off dancing for views...!

Y/N: Yo, chill man!

Both M&M looked at you walking up with slight concern on your face before Moxxie decides to choose violence and tell you off.

Moxxie: Shut up Y/N! Your only here as back up!

Moxxie: (to Millie) Why does it matter SO MUCH how these yokels feel about you?

Millie: It doesn't...!

Millie: It matters how I feel about myself!

Millie: And for once I feel like....(tears in her eyes)...like I'm important!

Millie: (tears streaming down her face) Like I'm someone to be proud of....and I'd had hope my HUSBAND would be there to support me-...

Millie: HALF as much as I'VE supported him THIS WEEK!!! Even Y/N supported you a bit!


Moxxie: (regretful tone) Millie I didn't mean-...

Millie: (heated tone) SAVE IT MOX!!

Millie: You could've finished that job any time if you had just listened to me!

Millie: But you wanted to do things YOUR WAY!

Millie: So fine, finish the job, go home If you want to...

Millie: But I'm gonna have my moment WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!!!

Millie then ran off crying while you looked over at Moxxie who managed to tie himself up in a tent falling over. You then glared down at him in a disappointed yet highly expected way as you told him them.

Y/N: (low disappointed tone) Hmmm, way to go dummy....once again you and that fat ass mouth of yours caused troubled....(head shaking)!

Y/N: You make it so fuckin easy to hate you, but out of all the hate, the ONE person who stays strong by your side is your wife! The same one you just belittled, doesn't "for better and for worse" mean nothing to you? 

The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now