S4 ep. 9 Mike's Plan [in Motion]!

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A/N: Your Uncle Mike has made a plan which he is going to tell you reader....but remember, you can't tell Loona or Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie!

Onto the story!

A week has passed since your meeting with Yenxyn and the accompanies of Mike as well. Things at work were slightly out of the blue, and downright weird. You'd often feel that you were being stalked from a distance and it felt more like a Blitzo stalking than a Loona stalking.

[View fades into I.M.P. on you sitting on the couch looking your phone]

While looking down at your phone, Loona had her eyes on you, trying to get a read on your body language. She looked a small bit frustrated...to the point where she even put her phone down to give you all the attention.

Loona: (thinking) Ugh, what is going on with you Y/N, I need to know!

While worrying about you, Loona decided to apply some makeup to her face to kind of help get you off her mind for a bit.

While worrying about you, Loona decided to apply some makeup to her face to kind of help get you off her mind for a bit

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Meanwhile back with you, you decided to stand up from the couch and walk over to the window looking out into the city. As you did, Millie walked up to you checking on you since you've been quiet and to yourself.

Millie: You alright Hun?

Y/N: Yeah...I uhh, got some shit i'm thinking on!

Millie: Care to share?

Millie: Care to share?

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Y/N: Mmm...no, I can't share!

Millie: Oooh c'mon Y/N, you know you can tell us anything and we'll help out anyway we can!

Y/N: Millie I really can't say....

Moxxie then entered the room with his coffee joining in on the conversation.

Moxxie: Ya know, we are kind of obligated to know what's going on Y/N!

Y/N: How could you POSSIBLY come to that conclusion?

Moxxie: Well as an observant MAN myself (cocky laughter)...I know when said things are meant to have a reason for explaining behind them, like for example, I-...

The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now