A/N: Welcome to the final chapter of Season 3 reader! You've been through a lot in this season and here is where all is changed and forgiven!
Onto the chapter!
[View pans into the hospital at 4 in the morning still nighttime somewhat]
The moonlight bleeds through the automated blinds of your room shining on your face as you began waking up slowly. You groaned tiredly as you slowly rubbed your eyes awake.
Y/N: Ahhh damnit....
You then looked down towards your knife wound from Striker's blessed blade as you started wondering just how truly dangerous that weapon could be. Your thinking was soon halted when you heard a deep voice at the foot of your bed speak out.
???: A blessed tip huh?
You looked up and saw your Pops standing there with a concerned look on his face. You then looked away for a bit before answering him.
Y/N: Yeah...
F/N: How'd it happen?
Y/N: I didn't see it happen until he told me about it while the blade was in my ribs!
You see your father start growling a bit as he walked over to the window looking out into the city. The feeling in the room has heightened a bit as you get the sense that he is about to break the room. Soon the door to your room opened and came in was Uncle Mike.
Y/N: U-Uncle Mike??
2-Tap Mike: The hell happened to ya Y/N?
Y/N: I-
F/N: (still looking out the window) He got stabbed with a blessed blade and bled out severely fighting this "Striker" until he nearly died!
Mike then sees your father fire up his red hue as he went to say this.
2-Tap Mike: Daman!!! Chill out!!!
F/N: (deep angry voice) DON'T TELL ME TO CHILL OUT MIKE!!!!!
Mike then started up his deep green hue stepping to your father in a heated standoff as you watched with wide eyes.
Y/N: (thinking) Are they bout to fight?
2-Tap Mike: (demonic tone) You need to chill DAMAN...GET A GRIP!!!!
F/N: (demonic) AND WHY SHOULD I?!?!?
2-Tap Mike: Because Y/N is still alive...
???: Both of you stop it right now!!
???: Like little babies fighting over a toy...Jesus...both you grow up!!! Utterly ridiculous!!
You then heard a female voice....a very familiar voice. You looked and saw a woman standing 6 foot 3, mixed black and white skin tone, dark brown Alburn hair, and wearing comfy home body clothes. She then made eye contact with you as she gasped holding her hands over her mouth walking over to you.
???: Y-Y/N??
???: S-Sweetie...
You then began to feel your bottom lip quivering as the woman in front of you was none other than your dear mother. You begun to break down slapping the hospital bed finding it difficult to say a word as you were overcome with flooding emotions.
Mike and your pops ceased their hues looking at the sight of a reunited mother and son as Mike said this to your pops.
2-Tap Mike: Let's step out and give them some time!

The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]
FanfictionHey wassup, this is my first attempt at a story about you and Loona in the HelluvaBoss series... Enjoy! Bio: Y/N is 24 y/o black man with a REAL complicated life and backstory. He grew up never knowing both his parents, he had to learn to survive in...