S3 ep. 11 Exes and Ohs! [Part 1]

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A/N: Time to find out what the Russian Hellhound wants out of or from Blitzo!

Onto story!

[View pans into Blitzo's office between him and the agent hound]

Blitzo: So uhhh...uhh, what's this of important business you need to speak on...?

Hound: (Russian accent) Here is picture!

The hound hands a picture of who has caught his interest.

The hound hands a picture of who has caught his interest

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Hound: Do you know this man?

Blitzo: (Silent gasp)

Hound: (deep tone) Your look make me think you know him!

Blitzo: Well uhhh...that uhh...uhh could be anyone (nervous chuckle)

The hound looks at Blitzo studying him closely as he isn't really believing Blitzo. The Hound then goes to say this.

Hound: (smug tone) I think you liar! *growling*

Hound: Do you or do you not know man (pointing to your photo)??

Hound: (raising voice) I won't ask third time little red man (growling)

Blitzo started sweating as he finally came clean and told the need-to-know information.

Blitzo: Ok yes....I know him, he's my employee....

Hound: See...was that hard now?

Blitzo: Nothing bad is gonna happen right?

Hound: Nothing bad, tis promise...just need to have talk with man!

Blitzo then asks for the Hound's name as he was now leaving Blitzo's office.

Blitzo: W-Wait...what's your name??

Hound: Yenxyn.... (to pronounce it is Yin Sin)...tis all you need know (low growling)

The Hound now leaves as we go to Loona who just walked in and saw the enormous hound as she backed up and blushed a bit wagging her tail. Yenxyn looked down at her straight-faced then left the room.

 Loona: (thinking) Ughhh no...I'm with Y/N...plus that hound looked kinda like a asshole.

[Time skip 1 hour ahead]

Moxxie looks at Loona almost nervous like as he sets his coffee down awkwardly clapping his hands before he says this.

Moxxie: (bragging) Ya know...I checked the scale today *inhaling*....

Moxxie: ...and it said I lost two pounds today!!

and it said I lost two pounds today!!

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The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now