S4 ep. 16 Something, Something, Something... Dark Side! [Trouble on your ass]

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A/N: For the record, the title is the ONLY family guy reference to be used, but that's besides the point. This is about YOU and what your getting yourself into right now reader!

Onto the story!

[View opens onto you swiftly walking behind some more guards making their way down to the Greed ring]

You leaned up against a wall catching your breath for a quick bit, all the distance walking was a lot, more than what you use to train for during morning runs. 

Y/N: I got to be real careful bout this!

You slowly followed after the guards now descending further down. 

Blitzo's Pov, Ok I just told my daughter that her boyfriend went missing and she hung up...on me...in silence! Ahh fuck me!

[Time skip 15 mins]

[Banging on your door]

Blitzo: Who is it??!

Loona: OPEN UP!!!!

Blitzo got up and went to open the door seeing a frantic Loona rushing past him to your room. She searched high and low for you.

Loona: (panicked) WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GO????!!!

Blitzo: If I knew, you'd think I'd be here?

Loona: (growling)

Loona: (thinking) Babe, who took you from me???

Blitzo: I have a plan, Loonie!

Loona: Y-You do?

Blitzo: Yes I do, pat and pending!

Blitzo flipped out his phone and proceed to call someone while placing his hand briefly on Loona's shoulder.

*Live call*

???: Hello?

Blitzo: Ah yes....is this Y/N's uncle i'm conversating with?

2-Tap Mike: Uh-huh, and who are you?

Blitzo: Ooooh, i'm just his boss!

2-Tap Mike: M'kay, what do you want?

Blitzo: It seems that Y/N has gone missing, and we don't exactly know where to....sooooo....

2-Tap Mike: (annoyed sigh)

2-Tap Mike: Gimme a moment!

Blitzo: Ok but this is really time sensi-...

Mike then appeared surprising Blitzo causing him to drop his phone.

[Phone breaking and powering down]

Blitzo: (groaning)

Blitzo: Fuck me on all that is evil....that's the 7th phone!!

Mike stepped away from Blitzo and Loona staring into your room, as he did, his irises circle flashed purple. From this he saw a visible replay of you getting ready and dressed early in the morning.

2-Tap Mike: (to himself) Just what are you doing Y/N?

As the vision continually played, something caught Mike's eye. Your phone and on the screen saying this.

> Find out who this other human is in Greed<

2-Tap Mike: (realizing) Son of a bitch...!!!

Mike's outburst worried Loona and concerned Blitzo.

Blitzo: What?!?

2-Tap Mike: He gon get himself killed going down to Greed by himself....(frustrated growl)!!

The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now