S2 ep. 27 Loona to the rescue!

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A/N: It's you and Loona tonight as she helps you recover and of course spend time with you!

Onto the story!!

Loona: (panting)

Loona is seen running as she finally made it to Hillside Heights. She got her second wind of energy as she began to run faster making it to your residence.

(Loona's phone vibrating)

>Live Text Msg<

Blitzo: LOONA???!!!! THE FUK!!!!

Blitzo: Mi Bok!!!!

Blitzo: SHIT...Bhook...Book!!!!

Blitzo: I'm NOT in the Mood for sylent treatment young lady!!!

Blitzo: LOONAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

>End of text<

Loona stops as she pulled out her phone and saw Blitzo's text messages as she grunts angrily before uninterestedly looking off into the distance.

Loona stops as she pulled out her phone and saw Blitzo's text messages as she grunts angrily before uninterestedly looking off into the distance

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Loona:...Needy bitch!

She then made it to your door as it was open and she walked in to see to her horror, you lying on the ground in blood unresponsive followed by a huge you-shaped hole in the wall. Loona rushed over to you dropping to her knees as she wrapped her arms around you, holding you tightly to her body as she cried. She held you with one hand on your head and the other on your back as she rocked back n forth wailing in agony.

Loona: (Crying in agony)

Loona: WAKE UP Y/N!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!


Loona then dropped her ears, lowered her head on your shoulder as the worst she feared happened, your "death". After a minute or 2, Loona feels a pair of arms hug her and sees that you've woken up as tears of joy poured out her eyes wetting your shirt. You tried to speak but remembered you got punch the shit out of by your hound of a pops.

Loona: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/N's Pov, Gah Damn Loona...right in my motherfuckin' ear....owww!!

You grunt in pleasure and pain trying to stand but Loona beat you to it as she helped you up keeping her loving hug on you. She takes notice of it and helps you to the bedroom as you lay you down on your bed. You let out a sigh of relief as you ease into the groove of the pillow and support of the bed. You soon feel something fuzzy nuzzle right next to you as you weakly turned your head and saw Loona wrapping her body next to yours as she begins to cry. You then slowly hold her and hug her back as she gasped then over timed calmed down to your unique touch.

Y/N: (thinking) Now would a perfect time to speak and say something for God's sake...the girl is crying an ocean on me, but I got the ever-loving shit punched outta me...man I ain't gonna shit right for a week...(muttering)

The Human of Mystery [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now