Harry (I)

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Harry Potter was an unusual teenager.

Unlike other people his age, he didn't enjoy his summer vacations. The reason was his uncle and aunt. Harry lost his parents when he was only a year old. Then he was given to his uncle and aunt, the Dursleys, who treated him as nothing more than a liability, and a slave. They made him do all the chores of the house, gave him little to no food at all, and beat him needlessly.

His uncle, Vernon, was a fat man with hardly any neck while his aunt, Petunia, was a bony woman with a very long neck. Their son, Dudley, was a plump kid, and looking at him it was clear that he was the son of Vernon Dursley.

Dudley was an annoying spoiled brat whose parents believed that he was the main character. According to them, little Dudders could do nothing wrong and was as smart as Albert Einstein, when in reality he was a meathead who had trouble with the multiplication of 4.

The cycle of bullying that Harry faced since his childhood finally ended when he became 11 years old, and a giant man entered his life by knocking down the doors, quite literally. That man's name was Hagrid. Hagrid revealed himself to be the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He also revealed to Harry that his parents were wizards who studied at the same school, a fact Harry was unaware of, and that Harry himself was a wizard.

After much quarrels and arguments with the Dursleys, which included Vernon's gun getting folded and Dudley being turned to a rat, Harry left the place with Hagrid, and started studying magic at Hogwarts.

The magical study started when a witch, or wizard, reached 11, and continued for 7 years. Harry had studied for 2 years already, and this was going to be his third year.

Currently, Harry Potter was staying on a bar/restaurant/ hotel/ pub specifically for wizards called The Leaky Cauldron. He had been there for 11 days now. On his birthday which was nearly 2 weeks ago, Harry had gotten letters from his two best friends stating that if possible they would meet him at the same place, but so far no one had come. He was positive, though, that they would be there soon.

Feeling bored, Harry decided to go to the Diagon Alley, which was situated just behind the Leaky Cauldron. As he finished walking down the stairs, he saw a familiar bush of brown hair.

"Hermione?" Harry called her. Hermione looked up. She had a fair face and brown eyes, the same as her hair. She seemed to be reading a book, which was her favorite thing to do.

"Harry? When did you get here?" she asked him.

"11 days ago! You?"

"Yesterday evening. Jason came to pick me up."

"Oh! Well, that's great," Harry said.

"He wanted to go to your uncle's house as well, but I heard what happened when Neville called you, so we decided against it." Hermione replied seeing Harry's disappointed face.

"Oh, well. That's alright. Where is he?"

"He was just here with Neville. They were talking about magical beasts." Hermione said, standing up and looking around. "Oh! There's Neville. Neville! Hey!"

A tall, fair boy looked their way after hearing Hermione call him. He had untidy black hair, and brown eyes. Neville saw the duo and walked towards them.

"Hey, Harry! You seem grown up," he said as he reached Harry. Neville was socially awkward, so saying things like these was normal for him.

"You too, Neville," Harry replied.

"Where did Jason go?" Hermione asked him.

"Oh, umm, you know that senior from Ravenclaw that had eyes on him?"

"Cho Chang?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, her. She took him."

"Took him where?" Hermione asked him. Harry could swear he heard a bit of rage in her voice.

"I saw her pulling him towards Diagon Alley," Neville replied nervously. Perhaps he also sensed Hermione's anger.

Without saying anything else, Hermione walked to the back of Leaky Cauldron, which stopped at a wall. She took out her wand from her pocket and tapped on the wall 6 times, at 6 different points. This caused the wall to open.

Behind the wall lied an alley filled with people, ranging from children to old people, and many shops that contained magical items. Diagon Alley was the place every witch and wizard went to for shopping. Harry had also been there during his first and second years at Hogwarts.

Diagon Alley also contained many cafes and coffee shops, so they suspected Jason would be in one of them. Hermione seemed to be thinking about something, probably what she would do when she saw them together.

Harry had seen a spark of romance between the two of them since their first year. It was obvious that they liked each other, so much so that everyone on their house knew about it. Everyone except them.

In a very short time, they found Jason sitting on a chair, with Cho Chang beside him. Jason had snowy white hair and bright blue eyes. He had a fair face and he was built like an athlete.

Jason always caught the eyes of everyone around him. He wasn't really very handsome, but he was very friendly, helpful, and charming. Also he was really good at magic. Maybe because of those reasons, all the girls seemed to be flocking towards him, even seniors and girls from other houses.

"Well?" Harry said, diverting Hermione's attention towards him," What are we going to do?"

"If he seems to be in need of help, we help. If not..." she let her words trail.

If not then Hermione was probably going to hex both, Jason and Cho, Harry thought.

As they neared, Harry's face became pale as he saw Jason smiling. He turned to Hermione. "He needs our help," she said.


"He needs our help."

"He is smiling."

"That's a fake smile. Honestly, Harry, you've been friends for 2 years, you should know when he is fake smiling."

"I don't, really." And he didn't. Nobody did, actually. Only Hermione knew each and every one of his behaviors. But Harry knew better than to question Hermione's observation, so he didn't say anything.

"Stay here, I'll bring him. When I point towards you, wave you hand." Hermione ordered, before going towards Jason.

Sure enough, she pointed towards him a few seconds after she reached Jason, and Harry waved at him. Jason stood up and Hermione took his hand before pulling him towards Harry. The duo walked towards him, hand-in-hand, leaving a sad Cho Chang behind.

This time Harry actually noticed Jason's smile. His eyes were brighter, and his smile was wider than before. This was Jason's genuine smile, he knew. What he didn't know was whether the smile was because he was holding Hermione's hand, or because he was seeing Harry again after months. It could also be both.

Jason came towards him, and immediately hugged him.

"Missed you too, mate." Harry said as Jason broke his hug. Harry caught Hermione looking at her hand that Jason was holding before. When she realized Harry was looking, she quickly looked up as if nothing happened.

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