Harry (IV)

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"Morning, sleepyhead," Jason heard as he opened his eyes.

He saw Harry sitting beside him with a book in his hands. Jason looked around and realized that it wasn't their room. "Where are we?" Jason tried to sit up, but quickly realized that he couldn't, since something was holding his chest down.

Jason got wide-eyed when he looked down and saw Hermione sleeping, her head rested on his chest, hands on his stomach.

"Shut up," Jason warned Harry.

"I didn't say anything," replied Harry who had a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah, but your face did."

Harry laughed. On the other side of the room, a figure began to shift. "Is that-?" Jason asked.

"Ginny. We're in Hermione's room," Harry replied.

"Won't they see us?" Jason asked him.

"I harnessed the cloak's invisibility, and spread it over this corner. Ginny, and any other person who look here, will only see what I want them to see," Harry replied.

Jason looked proud of Harry.

"So, you wanna tell me what last night was about?" Harry asked him.

"Let Hermione wake up first," Jason replied to which Harry nodded.

After a while, Hermione woke up and saw that Jason was staring at her. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing. You looked really beautiful," Jason said, making Hermione go red. 'What an oblivious idiot,' Harry thought, looking at his friends.

"And you looked like a bloody world war soldier," Harry said, remembering all the blood he had to wipe away from Jason's face. "Hermione is up now, mind telling us about yesterday?"

Hermione got up from Jason's chest and handed him a hoodie from her drawer. "Thanks," Jason said before putting it on.

"So, I guess you already know what I am?" Jason asked the duo in front of him as Hermione sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Abominable Snowman, yes we know," Harry replied. "Harry!" Hermione warned him.

Harry smiled before putting the book down. "A werewolf."

"You remember I told you about my family once?"

"No, not really. I remember you not telling us everything and running away from the conversation," Harry replied, earning a look from Hermione again. One more of those and Harry was sure he would drop dead on the floor.

"I know I didn't tell you everything," Jason said. "But for what it's worth, I never wanted to hide anything from my friends."

"I will tell you everything and I will only tell you once, because it's not a good memory, none of it is."

Then, Jason told them the story of his childhood, leaving no details. At the end, he was scared his friends would be terrified of him for being a werewolf.

But to his surprise, he found himself wrapped in Hermione's arms.

"You're safe now, you hear me?" she said softly. "No one is going to hurt you."

Jason nodded before wrapping his arms around her, and returning the hug.

"Let me join in," Harry said before launching himself at the two of them, knocking them down from the bed to the floor.

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