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Ginny was the last person to get inside. Everyone had told Harry to bring her since he already revealed a well-kept secret to her. Besides, Dumbledore thought that Ginny would be a useful member of the team, due to her expertise in charms.

Ginny seemed visibly confused at seeing three professors and her friends together in a secret room.

"Hello, Ginny. It's good to have you here," Jason said, breaking Ginny out of her thoughts.

"Thank you."

"Trust me, I really am happy that you're here," Jason added, making everyone look at him with an expression of disbelief.

"ARE YOU FUCKING MAD, HARRY POTTER?" was what Jason had said, when Harry told them about Ginny.

"Thanks, but I don't even know where here is, or what this is," Ginny replied.

"Harry didn't tell you?" Hermione asked her.

"No, he just told me to follow him," Ginny replied.

"Oh, that's surprising. We thought he would've told you, considering the fact that he can't keep anything from you," Hermione said, making Jason smirk.

"Anyways," said McGonagall, giving Hermione a stern look. "You can just call us a secret club."

"Like Justice League," Jason added. "But instead of Teen Titans, we have the Old Titans."

"Jason," Hermione said giving a look that made him shut up.

"Anyways, you'll need a full recap, so let me just show it." Hermione pointed her wand at Ginny, and was about to say something, when Jason interrupted her.

"He's coming," Jason said, turning everyone's attention to him.

"Who is coming?" Ginny asked him.

"Snape," he replied in a serious voice.

Suddenly, Hermione pulled her towards Jason and Harry. The trio looked intently at the door, as did the professors.

The door opened, and Severus Snape entered the room, the usual scowl on his face, and the usual greasy hair, and looked at the students.

Unknowingly, his foot tripped on a small wire, and the lights of the room died out.

"Oh, bloody hell." Ginny heard Snape saying before a bright light came from a far corner of the room and fell straight on his chest.

Then, a very familiar music began to play. It was the original Batman theme song from the 1960's show, 'Batman'. The light on Snape's chest turned into the Batman logo, and a Batman mask fell on his face.

The song ended after a while, and the lights were turned back on again, showing the faces of four students, Harry, Hermione, Jason and Draco, who were laughing hysterically, the three teachers giggling, and Snape with a scowl on his face.

"I hate you all," Snape said before he went towards the teachers.

"We pulled it off, guys. Congrats to us," Jason said, high fiving the other students.

Then, Ginny realized something. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?" she shouted pointing at Draco, afraid that he might leak all the information; after all he was a Slytherin.

"Oh, shut up, new girl. I was here way before you. I'm one of the founding members," Draco replied.

"You won't understand it easily, Ginny. I need to show you everything," Hermione said before pointing the wand at Ginny and saying 'Recap'.

Then, Ginny viewed the previous two years by Hermione's, Harry's and Jason's POV.

Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore had helped the trio since the day they arrived at Hogwarts. When the teachers had learnt about someone trying to steal the philosopher's stone, they had asked the trio for help. That was how their group first formed, with 3 students and 3 teachers. By the help of Harry, they were able to defeat Lord Voldemort, who was residing in their first year DADA professor, Quirrel's, body.

Then, on second year, Draco had joined the club when he informed the trio about his father's plan to bring something horrible inside the school. Draco helped them throughout the second year, and the trio quickly realized that he wasn't a bad person. So, they became close friends, while still showing themselves as enemies in front of people, since they didn't want to garner other's attention.

After their second year, Draco was given a rather dangerous and risky job. Dumbledore suspected that Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, wouldn't stop there and would try to bring Voldemort back, so he asked Draco to investigate him, and spy on him, but only if he wanted to. Draco realized the risk, but still accepted it.

This year, the addition of Lupin had made the number of teachers and students equal again. Lupin was Harry's parents' friend, and Jason's adoptive father, he was naturally invited to the club. Then, Harry told them about Ginny knowing the truth about Sirius, which compelled them to add her as well.

She also learned about some other really interesting things; Snape wasn't actually a bad person, and everything he did around the school was all part of act. The meetings of the club were always held in a room called the Room of Requirement. As the name suggested, the room provided you with anything you required.

The entrance to that room was secret, but Hermione had made it so that it could be portable. She had made a portal that directly led to the door of the room. The portal was embedded with their magical signatures, blood samples, and each member had to say their nickname to enter. Ginny wondered what her nickname would be.

Ginny felt herself coming back to the real world as Hermione removed the wand tip from her forehead.

"Holy shit, that was intense!" she exclaimed, to which everyone just smiled.

"Yeah, totally, Ginny. So, you were unable to find Sirius?" Jason asked them.

"Yep, unfortunately," Snape replied.

"Come on guys. You can't be that careless; it's a very serious matter," Draco said looking at the teachers.

"Yeah, you seriously have to find Sirius," Jason added.

"Yeah, it's a very serious matter of life and death. It's a serious matter of my life and death. It's a very serious matter of Sirius trying to kill me," Harry said.

"Stop that," Hermione said sternly.

"What're you talking about?" Jason asked her.

"You know what I'm talking about, Jason."

"No really, what are you talking about?" Draco added.

"Boys, I'm all for the fun and games, but please, let's be serious for a second about this Sirius matter," Snape said, joining the boys.

"Yeah, we need to take Sirius more seriously," Remus added.

"I know!" Jason exclaimed.

"Jason Grindlewald! Shut your mouth, and stop fooling around!" Hermione ordered, making the boys shut up.

"What do we know about him? Remus?" Hermione asked him.

"Well, that depends. You mean about his character, or his abilities?" Remus asked her back.

"He was their friend as well, wasn't he?" Harry asked Remus, the goofiness all vanished and seriousness filled in his voice.

"Yes, Harry, he was." Remus confirmed.

Harry looked sad after hearing that. Seeing that, Severus put a hand on his shoulder, and gave him a small, kind smile.

"It's okay, Harry. Sometimes, things happen; things that you don't want to happen. You can't change the past; you just- okay why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Snape stopped mid-sentence to look at Ginny.

"It's just really weird to see you smile, professor."

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