Harry (II)

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Harry and Hermione got out of the train and started walking towards the gate of Hogwarts, where the magical carriages were waiting for them.

Harry was still feeling dizzy and cold from the dementor attack on the train. Dementors are magical creatures that can suck the soul out of someone's body. They are the assigned guardians of Azkaban. The jailers, to say the least.

Dementors feed on pain and grief and Harry had quite a lot of that. They were searching for Sirius Black on the train and during that they entered the Hogwarts Express. As soon as they entered, the entire train became cold and covered with fog. A dementor slowly approached Harry's compartment, and came straight at Harry.

Then, he blacked out. He felt cold, desperate and sad. He also heard a woman screaming. When he came to, the Dementors were gone, and the train had started moving again. Hermione helped him get up and gave him his glasses. She also told him that the man in their compartment drove the Dementors away.

His name was Remus J. Lupin. He introduced himself as and gave Harry a chocolate, saying that it would help him feel better. It did help him. After a while, the train stopped and the students started to move towards the gates.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked him with a concerned look.

"I'm fine, Hermione," he replied but that wasn't enough to assure her.

"Let's go to Madam Poppy before the great hall," she suggested.

"Hermione, I'm fine, seriously!" Harry snapped at her. Even though she still had the look of disbelief, she let it slide.

"Mr. Potter. Mr. Potter," a very familiar voice called Harry.

"Professor McGonagall!"

"Mr. Potter I want you to go straight to Madam Poppy to get checked. You might have some internal injuries."

"I'm fine, professor, really," Harry tried to protest but the stern professor would have none of that nonsense and sent him straight to the hospital ward along with Hermione.

The duo entered the hospital ward and found Madam Poppy waiting for them. She checked Harry for any forms of injuries, but found none. She also told them that Lupin was right to give him the chocolate.

"See? I told you I was fine," Harry said as Madam Poppy gave him permission to leave. She had told Hermione that she could go but Hermione decided to stay with Harry.

"I've seen you for two whole years, Harry. I know when you're not fine," Hermione replied," It's bothering you, isn't it? The Sirius Black thing?"

"Yes," Harry admitted.

When Arthur Weasley took Harry away for a while before, he had warned Harry about Sirius Black. Apparently, Black wanted to kill Harry for finishing Voldemort. That was the only reason behind his escape.

Harry got startled when Hermione hugged him without any warning. "I'm right here, okay? I won't let him do anything to you," she assured him.

Harry smiled. "Yeah, yeah, I know," he replied and hugged her back.

It could be easy to forget because of Jason but Hermione cared about Harry deeply and so did Harry. She was like the elder sister he never had. He was truly glad to have them as his friends.

Harry and Hermione broke their hug after a while and started to walk out of the ward. "He'll be back," Harry tried to assure her after seeing the concerned look on her face.

"I know, Harry, thanks," she replied, but that troubled look still didn't disappear.

"What is it?"

"It feels like he is hiding something, for good reason, of course. I don't know why, though," Hermione replied.

"Well, if it is something big, he will tell you, surely. He doesn't hide anything from you, does he?" Harry teased her.

"It's not just me! He doesn't hide anything from you either," Hermione quickly got defensive.

Harry smiled at her reaction, which causedHermione to do the same. The duo headed straight to the great hall for thefeast.

(This one wasn't really good. I'll try to do better in the next one, sorry.)

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