Jason (VI)

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The group walked outside of the willow through the passage they had come from.

"Sorry about the bite, by the way," Sirius apologized to Hermione. She was helping Sirius hold Peter. "I bet it hurt."

"Like hell. You almost tore it off," Hermione replied. "But it healed, so you're okay."

"Why? If it didn't heal you would've killed me?" Sirius asked her.

"He would have killed you actually, not me," Hermione said pointing to Jason, who was walking behind them.

Sirius looked back and gave a knowing smirk.

"Shut it," Jason said, making Sirius look back in front.

"You gave Harry the Firebolt, didn't you?" Hermione asked to which Sirius nodded. "Why?"

"I owed him 12 years of gift. I'm his godfather, this is the least I could do," Sirius replied.

Harry, who was in front of them, looked back at Sirius. "Thanks," he said. "And sorry, but I haven't really used it."

"Oh, don't sweat it. You have plenty of time to use it," Sirius replied which made Harry smile. "So how did you guys even think that I could be innocent?"

"We didn't, actually," Hermione replied. "It was Jason who first thought that, then Harry saw Pettigrew in the map."

"Thank you, Jason," Sirius thanked him.

"Don't sweat it. I did it for myself, not for you," Jason replied causing Sirius to give Hermione a confused look.

"Well, he's like the Sirius in our group. The best friend who supports the main character, you know? Like you were to Harry's father," Hermione replied.

"Oh, alright," Sirius replied. "So you must be the Lily of this group? The smart, rational one, but to a limit?"

"Yep, that sounds about right. Except for one thing," Hermione replied.

"You don't like Harry romantically," Sirius gave her the answer.

Hermione smiled and nodded.

"So are we gonna talk about how you healed?" Harry asked her.

"Well, I don't know myself," Hermione replied. "You remember the time we saw Jason's wound healing?" Harry nodded. "It was like that," Hermione said.

"But you're not a werewolf," Harry said to her.

"And that punch," Sirius added. "Man, you almost killed me."

"I don't know where that came from either," Hermione admitted.

"Are you an Animagus?" Sirius asked her.

"Yeah. I'm a fox. Why?"

"Well, you might not be a fox," Sirius replied.

"Holy shit!" Jason exclaimed from the back.

"What?" Hermione and Harry turned to him.

"You're a Kitsune," Jason replied.

"Isn't that just the Japanese name for fox?" Hermione asked him.

"No, it's not." Jason came to her place and held Sirius making Hermione go to Harry's side.

"A Kitsune is a fox spirit with powers. It comes from the Japanese Mythology," Jason said.

"How can you be so sure?"

"The healing, the strength," Sirius replied for Jason. "Those are the properties of a Kitsune."

"Kitsunes are rare," Sirius said. "No one has seen one since the old times."

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