Hermione (I)

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Hermione hated this part of Jason. He had to be brutally honest at times. Why could he just not sit quietly and let her enjoy the peace for a while? Granted, it was already destroyed by the Weasleys, but still. He just had to drop the bomb.

"What's up guys?" Harry asked as he returned to their table.

"Nothing," Jason quickly replied.

"He has a 'feeling'," Hermione said to him.

"Like a 'feeling' feeling or a gut feeling?"

"A 'feeling' feeling."


"This year, and something being different about it," Hermione replied.

"Well, what can happen will happen, right?" Harry said trying to dismiss the situation.

"What did he say?" Jason asked after noticing Harry's unease.

"Not here. On the train, let's go." Harry whispered.

The time for the Hogwarts Express to depart was almost near. Hermione thought that it had to be something very important for Harry to say that, so she went upstairs to pick up her trunk and other items.

"But still, you have to admit he's getting good at magic."

"Blowing up your aunt is not exactly what we learn magic for, is it?" Hermione questioned Jason.

The three of them were inside the train, and were trying to find an empty compartment. They had passed almost all the compartments, all of which were either full, or were occupied by someone they disliked. Finally, they reached to the last compartment and saw that there was only person there.

He seemed to be sleeping, so they tried to make as less noise as they could. The moment they entered the compartment, Jason got stiff, and Hermione had to call him 6 times before he answered her.

"Are you alright?" she asked him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he replied. Hermione wasn't sure about that but she let it slide. If there was something Jason wanted to say to her, he would. It could take some time, but eventually he would tell her, she knew.

Harry sat beside the other person, while Hermione sat on the seat next to him and Jason went to sit beside Hermione. Hermione knew this year was going to be difficult. Last year they had had to choose the subjects they wanted to study in their 3rd year. Hermione had chosen almost every subject. McGonagall, the house head of Gryffindoor, and their transfiguration teacher had assured Hermione that she would help her attend all the classes.

Jason and Harry had taken comparatively fewer classes than her. There were only few classes they didn't have together. Both Harry and Jason hated studying. They were the greatest wizards of their time when it came to do magic but actually studying magic was beyond them. So, it was up to Hermione to make sure they studied properly. She was very good in handling that duty.

As she was musing over her thoughts, she saw a very familiar old woman, with grey hair and green robe along with a witch's hat hurrying towards the train. Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindoor house, the trio's transfiguration teacher and the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts took out a piece of paper, transfigured it to a bird, and quickly threw it towards Hermione. The transfigured bird reached her and then turned back to a piece of paper. There was something written on it.

"What's that?" Jason asked her after noticing the paper on her hands.

"I don't know. McGonagall gave it to me right now." Hermione said, turning the paper.  "Oh, it says Jason. Here."

Jason caught the paper and started reading it. "Where is she?" Jason asked.

"Outside," Hermione replied, still unsure of what that was all about.

"What's written there?" Harry asked Jason.

"I have to go, I'll see you guys at school," Jason said, ignoring Harry's question.

"What?!" Harry and Hermione asked at the same time.

"I can't tell you what it is. Not yet. I'll be at school when you arrive, I promise."

By saying that much Jason started to leave, but Hermione went after him.

"Jason!" she called bringing his attention to her.

"Hermione, I can't tell you anything right now. I'll see you at school, okay?" he replied.

"Are you sure?" she asked again.

"I promise," Jason replied. Then he did something that Hermione had never expected. He pecked her on her cheeks, and then turned around and vanished in a swirl, like nothing happened

When Hermione returned to her compartment, Harry saw that she had an expression of shock on her face. "What happened?" Harry asked her.

"Jason apparated."

"He what?"

"After he kissed me," Hermione added.


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