Hermione (VI)

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"It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was. Tonight... before midnight... the servant... will set out... to rejoin... his master..."

"That's what she said." Harry finished telling the story to everyone.

"So that means Black will escape?" Draco asked.

"What happens to not making any assumptions?" Jason asked him.

"Okay, fine. Whoever's the servant will escape tonight, be it Pettigrew or Black."

"So, what's our plan?" Ginny asked everyone.

"We lure Pettigrew out. Then, Sirius will smell him, and attack him. Then, we find out the truth." Hermione replied.

"What are we even here for, Albus?" McGonagall asked mockingly seeing the students do everything by themselves with a smile on her face. It was just a year ago when she was the one giving them advices and plans.

"Well, what can you do when you have such prodigies as students?" Dumbledore smiled.

"Wait a second, it's the full moon tonight." Severus reminded.

"Jason can control it." Remus said to which Jason nodded. "And I'll drink the wolfsbane potion, if you provide it."

"I'll get to cooking." Severus went out of the room.

"So how do you plan on luring Peter out?" Remus asked them.

"Cheese." Jason replied as a matter-of-factly.

"That won't work, dumbass. He's a human." Hermione reminded.

"Meat?" Harry suggested.

"Shut it, both of you. Stop joking, alright?" Hermione scolded.

"Yes, ma'am."

Then, Hermione saw the worried look on their faces.

"You two already have a plan, don't you?" Hermione asked them. "But it involves one of us getting in danger."

"Worse. One of you is gonna have to seduce Weasley." Harry replied.

"What?" Hermione asked with a look of disgust on her face. "Why? For what purpose does anyone have to flirt with Ronald Weasley?"

Hermione said thename 'Ronald Weasley' like it was the most revolting thing in the world.

"To get his skin." Jason replied.


"Yep. Advanced transfiguration, Hermione. With the skin of a person, you can transfigure into them." Jason replied to her.

"Good to know you two remember that." McGonagall praised her student.

"Thanks, professor." Harry thanked her. "Pettigrew won't come out if it's us. But for weasel, he might."

"So, one of us transfigure into Weasel, and brings him out. Sirius smells the rat, and comes to attack him. Then, bada bada boo, we catch them both." Jason finished the plan.

"And to transfigure into Weasley without using Polyjuice, we need a small part of his skin." Hermione concluded.

"And for his skin we have to get close to him, in other words, someone will have to flirt with him." Ginny said.

"Yeah. So, um, Professor McGonagall, I am sure you can handle the task of flirting with Weasley. In the meantime...."

"Hold your horses." Jason was quickly scolded by Hermione. "You want her to flirt with that guy? You want her to flirt at all?"

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